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Letter from USEF Interim CEO Bill Moroney

by USEF Interim CEO Bill Moroney | Apr 1, 2016, 10:00 AM

Dear USEF Members,

Thank you for your support and your 2016 membership. Our goal is to better serve our horses, members and sport. Based on years of member feedback and the collective experience of our Board of Directors and senior level staff members, we have identified a number of areas that need attention in order to strengthen the USEF.

We want you to know we have listened to you and are addressing your suggestions starting with the request for more communication. Communication helps reduce confusion and eliminates speculation. This update will inform you about initiatives that have been completed or are currently underway.

I. Regulation
Regulation of sport is an essential, but not always popular, function of the Federation. Members count on us to protect the welfare and safety of horses and humans and to provide a fair and level playing field.  However, we have been criticized for the manner in which we fulfill this critical responsibility. In response, we will approach regulation from a different perspective making the process less cumbersome, less daunting and more user-friendly by implementing the following:
  • A non-adversarial approach to regulation including better educational materials that clearly and concisely explain the process;
  • A proposal for an earlier process for testing of the "B" Sample in drug cases prior to the issuance of a charge (and dropping the charge if the "B" sample does not confirm the infraction);
  • A user-friendly tone to violation communications during the notice of inquiry, investigation and hearing process. While the message is not what you might want to hear, there is an appropriate way to say it;
  • Defined roles for participants in the hearing process including hearing panel members, lawyers, witnesses and respondents so there is certainty that the process remains unbiased,
  • Publication of a detailed explanation of the findings for all cases so members understand the justification for the penalty;
  • Publication of the names of responsible parties and horses in the findings.  Anonymity for persons not responsible and not listed; and
  • A base level penalty for rule violations related to horse and human welfare and safety similar to the drug violation guidelines approved by the BOD in January.

II. Competition Licensing
Reorganization and streamlining of our entire competition licensing program started two years ago with the rewriting of Chapter 3 in the rule book. This includes revisions to the Mileage Exemption process. In August 2015, revisions to the Mileage Exemption process were approved by the Board of Directors and were integrated into the competition licensing system. The majority of revisions to the balance of Chapter 3 will become effective on 12/1/2016, with additional revisions effective on 12/1/2017. This monumental endeavor was achieved by volunteers and staff who dedicated their time and energy to create a transparent, fair and logical system. Capitalizing on this work, the Competition, Information Technology and Finance Departments have been working with consumers on the build-out of the Competition Organizer Dashboard. This new version of the dashboard is aimed at one-stop shopping for all competition organizer needs. The first phase of new components rolled out last week after consumer testing. Additional updates will appear in June. We are analyzing the workload of the Competition Department and adjusting our workforce resources to meet the needs of show organizers.

III. Licensed Officials
Webinars have been developed and implemented to bring licensed officials education into your home, eliminating the expense of travel. We will work with any Recognized Affiliate that needs assistance to move their licensed officials' education programs in this direction. Some level of "in the field" education will likely continue to exist, but we are dedicated to using new methods and technologies to expand the education of our licensed officials.

The entire approval process for obtaining licenses is under review. As we have received feedback from Recognized Affiliates and Federation Committees about applicants, we have found a need for these groups to collaborate when updating their license requirements. We must ensure that the bulk of the criteria are objective and limit the amount of subjective criteria. Our goal is to provide a transparent licensing environment. Applicants will know the expectations in advance of pursuing a license and they will know whether or not they are qualified to apply.

IV. Sport Growth
Sport growth, or the lack thereof, was a hot topic at our Annual Meeting and it's been the same at many of our Recognized Affiliate Annual Meetings. There is no shortage of reasons for lack of growth, but perhaps the most recognizable are cost and a less than ideal consumer experience. The costs of competing continue to rise. Some (but certainly not all) of that increase comes from the rules that govern our sport. For each requirement that is added a cost is usually added. Additionally, the way members and competitors are treated either drives a desire to participate or to go elsewhere. The issues impeding sport growth are not the fault of any one sector of our sport - governance organizations, competition organizers, or consumers; they are shared by every component of our sport and will only be resolved by a collective effort.

The Federation has advanced discussions with our Recognized Affiliates on a concept often referred to as "Federation Lite". The idea is for Recognized Affiliates to run competitions introducing new enthusiasts to our sport and encouraging them to join the Federation family at a lower cost. The Board hopes to assist Recognized Affiliates to identify and implement opportunities for each discipline or breed to bring new people to our sport. This concept is already gaining ground with our Recognized Affiliates. The key is to maintain the importance of equine and human welfare, safety, and a fair and level playing field while limiting costs at these introductory levels.

V. Rules
I cannot think of an Annual Meeting over the past few years that hasn't included a discussion on the frequency and amount of rule changes. Keeping up to speed with our changing sports, while reducing the number of rule changes, is a real balancing act. This is especially true as some sports are now diligently working to add new opportunities to their breeds or disciplines in the hope of providing stability by attracting new people. We are working with our Recognized Affiliates and Federation Committees to demystify the process by clearly communicating rule changes to members, officials and organizers.

VI. USEF Network
The USEF Network is undergoing a major directional change. We are rapidly moving from a production-based environment to a platform that provides member services by listing educational and competitive content. The USEF Network will be changing its look. There will now be a channel listing component under which USEF channels such as education will be listed. Channels provided by our Preferred Production Partners (PPP's) will also be listed. PPP's are production companies that meet requirements established by the Federation. They will be recognized and promoted by the Federation for providing content including featured events across many breeds and disciplines. Recognized Affiliates will also be able to provide competition and educational content to the Network. The USEF Network platform reaches a tremendous number of horse lovers and can bring your breed and/or discipline exposure to a cross section of equestrians in the United States and abroad. This is an exciting opportunity for our members! We will keep you posted on the developments.

VII. Vision, Mission & Strategic Plan
The Board has heard from members across breeds and disciplines that they want a clear vision of where we are going as an organization and how we will get there. A planning committee of the Board is hard at work. They will present a complete strategic vision at our January 2017 Annual Meeting.

In closing, we have a great team of volunteers and staff members who are committed to making your equestrian experience better. On behalf of the Federation staff, thank you for providing your feedback. I hope this update on our work has been beneficial for you.

Bill Moroney
Interim Chief Executive Officer