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Appaloosa Horse Club Selects New CEO

by By Merida McClanahan | Jun 22, 2006, 10:30 AM

The Appaloosa Horse Club Board of Directors is pleased to announce the hiring of Steve Taylor as the organization’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) beginning August 1, 2006. Taylor has served as executive director of the Missouri Beef Industry Council for the past 19 years and also has ties to the Appaloosa industry as a former breeder, exhibitor and volunteer. The council is part of the industry network responsible for the famous "Beef. It's What’s For Dinner" advertising campaign.

In addition to experience with state, national and international marketing programs, Taylor has earned the designation of Certified Association Executive from the American Society of Association Executives.

“We believe it’s especially important to have someone with Steve’s experience in association management, consumer marketing, public relations and producer communications,” said Frank Larrabee, ApHC President. “The Appaloosa Horse Club is poised for some exciting opportunities and we’re delighted to have a staff team in place that can help lead the way,” added Larrabee.

Taylor is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and a former educator, livestock newspaper field representative and editor.

“I'm honored and humbled by the assignment,” said Taylor. “The Appaloosa community is very special and more prospective horse owners need to know about it. As the association moves forward, my simple and sincere goal is to stimulate and support growth in all aspects of Appaloosa involvement.”

The Appaloosa Horse Club is the international breed registry for Appaloosa horses and is located in Moscow, ID. Since 1938, the ApHC has been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the breed. Agile, intelligent and distinctively colorful, Appaloosas excel in a variety of events and are beloved around the world for their even temperaments and reliability.

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