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Rebecca Hart Participates in PBS Broadcast of "A Capitol Fourth"

by Phelps Media Group | Jul 14, 2016, 5:05 PM

Washington, D.C. - While many American families were busy grilling and lighting sparklers on July 4, Paralympian Rebecca Hart participated in PBS's live broadcast "A Capitol Fourth," to celebrate the 240th birthday of the United States 
Rebecca Hart and Schroeter's Romani (Phelps Media Group)
Rebecca Hart and Schroeter's Romani (Phelps Media Group)
"It was a huge honor to be invited, and to participate and represent the United States Olympic Committee," Hart explained. "It was an amazing experience and it was very nice to have paralympians invited. I was thrilled to do it!"

Hart spent four days in Washington, D.C., touring the moments, rehearsing for the broadcast and she even was invited to enjoy the view from the Speaker's Balcony of the Capitol building. PBS interviewed Hart for one of their Facebook Live videos with Sailing Olympian Charlie Buckingham and the group of athletes were honored in a presentation with Scott Hamilton, an Olympic gold medal figure skater and broadcaster.

During the live celebration, the season three winner of 'The Voice,' Cassadee Pope gave an inspiring performance of her song "I am Invincible" in a tribute to the Olympians and Paralympians.
"One of the most amazing aspects of participating in 'The Capitol Fourth' was meeting the other athletes," Hart explained. "It was not only equestrians, but other sports such as judo, swimming, sailing and weightlifting were represented. Hearing their inspirational stories helped me get excited and motivated for the Games. Everyone works so hard to reach their final goal and we all got to share the moment as a great send off."
To check out Rebecca Hart's interview with Sailing Olympian Charlie Buckingham click here: https://www.facebook.com/capitolfourth/videos/1264873903530435/.
The United States Olympic Committee invited Olympic and Paralympic athletes to the "A Capitol Fourth," which was broadcast on PBS. (Phelps Media Group)
The United States Olympic Committee invited Olympic and Paralympic athletes to the "A Capitol Fourth," which was broadcast on PBS. (Phelps Media Group)

To check out Cassadee Pope's performance of "I Am Invincable" click here: https://www.facebook.com/capitolfourth/videos/1265025966848562/.

To follow Hart on her road to Rio, please visit, www.rebeccahartequestrian.com. For more information on Cherry Knoll Farm, please visit www.cherryknollfarminc.com.