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Transport Woes, Dressage PBs, and Jumping

by Will Connell | Aug 16, 2016, 11:33 PM

Rio 2016 continue to mess up a perfectly functional transport system, U.S. Dressage rider hits another Personal Best, and the Jumping horses have started leaping.  All is good in Rio.

The transport (to be more precise the Drop Off / Pick Up) debacle would be comical if it wasn’t so disruptive to everything that we  (and other Nations) have been doing for the last two weeks.  To then be told that it was our fault and that we, the Teams, were disobeying the rules was insulting and insane.  Anyway, it is one of many things that have to be approached with “positive intent”.  “Positive intent” has been the byword and mantra of the USOC leadership and the USOC have certainly led by example.  Well, my positive intent gauge is most certainly starting to show empty.  Please send a refueling tanker.

It was a shame that the stands were not full for the Dressage Grand Prix Freestyle (the Individual Final) as there was some fantastic dressage and great competition.  Another Personal Best for Laura Graves rounded off an outstanding Games for her.  4th is just the worst position to finish in; so close to yet so far from, the podium.  But Laura can look back on the Games with immense pride as can all of the U.S. Dressage Team and their support staff.  U.S. Dressage is back at the Top Table.

Laura Graves and Diddy:

I have not made mention of the British for obvious reasons but Charlotte Dujardin was supreme again.  However, I am compelled to make mention of Carl Hester who coached every member of the GBR Dressage Team here in Rio and of course medaled himself – some achievement.  Time for him to go down on one knee at the Palace.

The dressage team head home leaving behind them one casualty.  A belt.  A belt that could not handle the Olympic pressure and gave way as one of the dressage athletes was giving 101% during the Grand Prix to bring home a Medal.  It will be, like my trousers (aka pants), buried with full State honours.

A little break for some cat herding.  Sedan 1 and Ana Car 1 to restaurant with 4 Dressage grooms + 1 x Vet, 1 x Physio and 1 x Farrier to eat and then head back to venue to load horses:  Van 1 loaded with 9 Jumping crew to same restaurant and back to hotel:  Van 2 picking up three at Gas Station (alternate pick up point recently instigated due to Rio 2016 Transport Madness Disease) to head to aforementioned restaurant:  Van 3 loaded to the rafters with Dressage athlete luggage…athletes enjoying wine.  Departure of athletes imminent.  Or did I get some athletes mixed up??  And people wonder why I drink.

The jumping competitions are a little drawn out at an Olympics but we are now well in to the meat of the matter.  The first round of the Nations Cup (Team Competition) took place today and we are exactly where we want to be – on 0 penalties going in to the second and final round tomorrow.  Rather annoying that there are three other Nations on 0 but I guess that is good for the crowds, if a little nerve-racking for us.  There were plenty of highs and lows today; there will be some celebrating tonight and some commiserating.  This has not been an easy Games to enjoy, but it most certainly is an Olympic Games.  What is it about the Games that creates such passion and emotion or drive and determination amongst athletes that are competing against each other on many occasions throughout the year?  It is a very special environment and watching the athletes’ drive to win, the euphoria of medaling and the despair of losing is something that still excites and intrigues me:  Unlike dealing with Transport dumbdelardies, which just infuriates me.

McLain Ward and Azur: