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Pennsylvania National Horse Show Planned for October 14-23

by Sarah Evers | Oct 6, 2004, 12:00 PM

Nearly 1,200 of the finest American and international show horses will gather at the recently expanded Farm Show Arena in Harrisburg, PA, for the 59th annual Pennsylvania National Horse Show, October 14-23, 2004. The show draws tens of thousands of horse enthusiasts, who travel from throughout the region and across the U.S. to enjoy the unparalleled competition, special attractions, excellent shopping and the chance to see the stars of equine sports in action.

Horses and riders compete for nearly a dozen national championships and $340,000 in prize money. The event’s highlight is the $65,000 Budweiser Grand Prix de Penn National, Saturday night, October 23. Most of the members of the 2004 US Olympic Show Jumping Team are expected to compete, as are Athens Olympics riders from other nations and top professionals from across the U.S. and beyond.

The Pennsylvania National begins with four days of competition for junior riders under age 18. Among the eleven national championships decided at the PNHS is the USEF National Junior Jumper Championships. Held Friday night, October 15, the competition is the only USA Junior Olympics-Equestrian jumping event and one of three legs of competition for these talented young riders. On Sunday, October 12, more than 200 young equestrians ride for hunter equitation’s pinnacle, the prestigious USEF/Pessoa National Hunter Seat Medal Finals. And for the third year, the Pennsylvania National Horse Show will host the ‘Good Hands’ National Saddle Seat Equitation Championship, which was held for 70 years at the National Horse Show in New York City. The PNHS is also the site of the North American League championships for adult and children’s hunters and jumpers, open jumper speed horses and pony jumpers.

Spectators will be treated to an amazing variety of equestrian athleticism Wednesday through Saturday, October 20-23. Soaring hunters and jumpers; fiery, high-stepping American Saddlebreds and their tiny Hackney pony cousins; thundering draft horses in hitches of one to six; easy-going western horses, and roadster horses and ponies who race at top speed take turns delighting and amusing audiences.

The Pennsylvania National Horse Show is America’s largest indoor multi-breed horse show and one of the equestrian world’s premier events. October 14 to 19, general admission is $10 or $5 for seniors and children ages 12 and under. October 20-23, general admission is $15. Tickets are $8 for children and seniors October 20-22. No discounts are available Saturday, October 23. Reserved seating is available Grand Prix Night, Saturday, October 23; prices range from $20 to $30. For a FREE brochure or more information phone (717) 770-0222 or visit www.panational.org.

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Disciplines: Hunter