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Dr. John G. Lengel to Retire as Director of USEF Drugs and Medications Program

by gaillardm | Oct 23, 2006, 9:17 AM

(Lexington, KY) - After 28 years of loyal service, the most tenured USEF staff member, Dr. John G. Lengel, has decided to retire.

Dr. Lengel started working for the Equine Drugs and Medications Program as a testing technician and then testing veterinarian in the early to mid 1970’s. He was appointed the administrator of the program in 1978, succeeding Dr. Jordan Woodcock, the program’s first administrator. In addition, he served as the AHSA Executive Vice-President at the main office in New York City from 1982 to 1985. In 1985 he returned to the Columbus, Ohio office, in order to devote his full attention once again to the Drugs and Medications Program. In 1995, with the assistance of Dr. George Maylin at Cornell University, Dr. Lengel helped establish the Equine Drug Testing and Research Laboratory in Ithaca, NY. Recently, he recruited the highly respected equine drug testing expert Dr. Tom Lomangino to serve as the Federation’s Laboratory Director.

“The contribution John Lengel has made to the USEF and to our sport is incalculable,” stated David O’Connor, President of the United States Equestrian Federation. “He has made this program the backbone of the USEF mission to ensure the safety and wellbeing of horses and to protect fairness in competition. This program is envied around the world and we have John to thank for that.”

“John Lengel is one of the most dedicated, honest, and hardworking veterinarians or horse people that I have ever had the honor to know,” said Dr. A. Kent Allen, Chairman of the USEF Veterinary Committee and a member of the USEF Board of Directors. “I think that his integrity and dedication to the USEF Equine Drug and Medication Program over the last 3 decades has made a tremendous difference in the safety of the horses and the integrity of our organization. He will be sorely missed and not easily replaced.”

Dr. Andrew Higgins, Chairman of the FEI Medication Advisory Group observed, “Of all those interested in the field of medication control John Lengel stands head and shoulders above the rest of us. His experience, wisdom and depth of knowledge is unparalleled and the advice and guidance he has provided not only to the USEF but to the whole competition horse industry worldwide is unique.”

”Dr. Lengel has identified November 17, 2006 as his final day in the job,” said USEF Chief Executive Officer John Long, “The entire equestrian community wishes him well and expresses deep appreciation for his dedication and service to the Federation and to the sport. Through his work he has helped every member of this organization, and countless horses, for nearly three decades. Meanwhile, we are now in the process of identifying John’s successor, in order to facilitate a smooth transition and uninterrupted service to our members.”


~~~For more information, please contact Maria Partlow, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, at (859) 225-6941, or via e-mail at [email protected].