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Applicant Steward Clinic Opportunities

by By Mary Smith | Dec 20, 2006, 2:36 PM

Facts: USEF licenses approximately 2,600 competitions per year. USEF currently has 275 licensed stewards and 178 licensed technical delegates. Stewards are licensed as either Category 1 (hunter/jumper) or Category 2 (breeds/Western) or Combined Category (both groups). The median age of our currently licensed stewards is 59 years of age.

Opportunities: With the goal of providing more accessible applicant sessions for individuals interested in becoming a licensed steward with the Federation, a total of six applicant sessions will be held during the 2007 competition year. Two applicant sessions will accompany the continuing education clinic for Category 1 and Category 2 stewards. The remaining four applicant sessions will be one day each and will be held in differing geographic areas:
  • February 24, 2007—Lake Worth/Wellington, FL (applicants only)

  • May 19, 2007—Elk Grove, CA (applicants only)

  • May 25-27, 2007—Devon, PA (applicant day is the 25th)

  • August 19, 2007—Saugerties, NY (applicants only)

  • September 28-30, 2007—Lexington, KY (applicant day is the 28th)

  • September 30, 2007—St. Paul, MN (applicants only)

Attendance at any of the one-day applicant-only clinics will partially fulfill the clinic requirements of the Steward Training Program.

Complete information and application material will be available at the following page on the USEF website, www.usef.org/content/licensedOfficials/clinic2007Calendar.php, or from Chuck Walker, Assistant Director Continuing Education at (859) 225-6970 or [email protected].

For complete information on the requirements for entrance into the USEF Stewards Training Program, downloadable forms and information are at www.usef.org/content/licensedOfficials/enrollmentPromotion.php. Contact Mary Smith, Director Licensed Officials at (859) 225-6948 or [email protected]; or Diane Shawback, Assistant Director Licensing at (859) 225-2971 or [email protected] if you have questions about the program requirements, opportunities as a steward, etc.
