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Equestrian Land Conservation Resource Moves National Headquarters to Kentucky Horse Park

by By Bonnie Detzel | Mar 22, 2007, 9:22 AM

The Equestrian Land Conservation Resource (ELCR), the only national organization that advances the conservation of land for horse-related activities, has opened its new headquarters in the Kentucky Horse Park. The impending loss of open land for horse activities has reached crisis proportions, according to the ELCR. As an organization that has helped more people work more effectively to ensure continued access to equestrian friendly land. now the ELCR will work “hand in hoof” with the more than 30 other national and regional equine organizations headquartered at the Kentucky Horse Park’s National Horse Center to raise awareness of the land crisis among horse and land owners everywhere.

The 1.9-million horse owners in this country require open land for riding and driving, as well as the production of hay and grain. For more than a decade, the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource has been providing the resources and support necessary to ensure continued access to open land for the equestrian community. Equestrian Land Conservation Resource’s work with horse owners in their local communities has been responsible for the conservation of thousands of acres of open land. The move to the Kentucky Horse Park will enable ELCR to leverage their resources with horse breed and industry associations to maximize collective efforts. The time has come for horse owners, landowners and land trusts to work together to ensure available land for future generations.

For more information about ELCR, contact [email protected] or (859) 455-8383, or visit www.elcr.org.
