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First Night of Charlotte Jumper Classic Produces Three Exciting Finishes

by By Jamie Banks | Apr 18, 2007, 11:14 AM

Speed was the name of the game for opening night of the Fourth Annual Charlotte Jumper Classic as some of the top riders in the world competed against the clock to score the fastest clear round on tight challenging courses. The three-day $400,000 grand prix show jumping event continued through Sunday, April 15, 2007, at Charlotte Bobcats Arena in Charlotte, NC .

First up was the $10,000 Amateur-Owner/Junior Competition where Carolyn Kelly thrilled the crowd as she and her horse Omona AW went 30th in the field of 33, delivering a winning time of 44:20.

The early pacesetter was Alexandra Arute of Avon, CT, on My Fair Lady. Arute was quick, touring the speed course fault free with a time of 45.77 seconds. Arute wowed the crowd once again when she and an additional horse Saphira posted a time of 46.56 seconds, putting her in first and third place in the class. She remained there until Kelly upped Arute two riders later on Omana AW for the win.

Kelly was extremely pleased with her performance. “My horse was really neat on the course,” said a smiling Kelly following her opening night win. “I trust my horse so much, and I knew she would go any distance that I asked of her tonight,” she added.

Results of Class 5 Amateur-Owner/Junior Competition A 238.2.1 CSI
1 – Carolyn Kelly – Omona AW 0.00/44.20
2 – Alexandra Arute – My Fair Lady - 0.00/45.77
3 – Cassie Herman Galop de Beaumont - 0.00/46.12
4 – Alexandra Arute - Saphira - 0.00/46:56
5 – Hillary Dobbs – Marengo - 0.00/46.71
6 – Andrew Welles – 0.00/Kartouche VD Watering – 0.00/47.33

The International Jumper competition was up next and featured some of the best international riders from around the world. Forty-one starters lined up for a go in the $25,000 International Competition. Kyle King, from Ocala, FL, riding out the 22 spot in the order on Kosta toured the Steve Stephens-designed course without penalty and tripped the timers in 49.68 seconds for the win. Eric Lamaze and Narcotique de Muze came a full three seconds behind King to finish second with a time of 52.73. Jimmy Torano from Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and Marlo were third, clocking in at 52.80 seconds, but none were quick enough to beat King.

“This is my wife’s horse,” said King, who explained his winning ride to the crowd. “I didn’t know what to expect from the horse, but he is naturally fast. He tried hard and was a very good boy. That coupled with a little luck gave us the win tonight.”

Results of Class 1 International Jumper A 238.2.1 CSI
1 – Kyle King – Kosta - 0.00/49.68
2 – Eric Lamaze - Narcotique - 0.00/52.73
3 – Jimmy Torano – Marlo – 0.00/52.80
4 – Danielle Torano – Seacoast Cantona Z - 0.00/53.31
5 – Margie Engle – Hidden’s Creek Wapino 0.00/53.63
6 – Callan Solem – Mianta – 0.00/54.11

The third and last class of the evening was the $10,000 Adult Amateur Competition. Tracey Mack and Lucky Four ignited the crowd as she took the lead as the second-to-last rider in the 20-rider class to post a clear round with a time of 43.86 seconds. Lynn Seithel Jekel and Rapunzel, who had the top spot for much of the class, came in second with a time of 46.52 seconds. Kris Hoffman Kennedy came in third atop Quest D’or, delivering a time of 52.11 seconds. Mack, who also won the same class last year, was thrilled with the win.

“I ran my horse really hard as he doesn’t jump well if he’s not going fast,” said Mack.” I really enjoyed myself out there tonight, and winning here in Charlotte two years in a row is especially sweet,” she added.

Results of Class 8 Adult Amateur Competition A 238.2.1 CSI
1 - Tracey Mack – Lucky Four 0.00/43.86
2 - Lynn Seithel Jekel – Rapunzel 0.00/46.52
3 – Kris Hoffman Kennedy – Quest