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2020 Adequan®/USEF Junior Hunter National Championships East Coast Relocated to Traverse City Horse Shows

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Aug 6, 2020, 8:35 PM

Lexington, Ky. - US Equestrian has announced the relocation of the 2020 Adequan/USEF Junior Hunter National Championships East Coast to Traverse City Horse Shows at Flintfields Horse Park in Traverse City, Mich. from August 23-25, 2020. The championship, which was canceled earlier this week, was revived after Traverse City Horse Shows competition management stepped forward and offered to host and organize the competition. The United States Hunter Jumper Association Gladstone Cup Equitation Classic presented by Intermont Equestrian at Emory & Henry College will also be held in conjunction with the championship on these dates.

The condensed three day timeline of the championship allows for a simplified transition of venues and will provide Traverse City Horse Shows management ample time to prepare for additional participants and appropriately sanitize the venue prior to the start of competition.

“We greatly appreciate the efforts of the Traverse City Horse Shows management to host our Junior Hunter National Championships East Coast on such short notice,” said Bill Moroney, Chief Executive Officer for US Equestrian. “It is important for our members and our sport to keep competitions viable during this pandemic and we’re looking forward to bringing this national championship back online for our junior members.”

Protocols included in the USEF COVID-19 Action Plan will be strictly enforced. Traverse City Horse Shows has also developed their own COVID-19 Action Plan, which can be accessed and reviewed here.

Entries will be due on Friday, August 14, 2020. Entries can be submitted through HorseShowsOnline.com. The 2020 Adequan/USEF Junior Hunter National Championship Prize List can be viewed here

For more information or questions about the Adequan/USEF Junior Hunter National Championships, contact Kelsey Shanley, National Breeds and Disciplines Program Manager, at [email protected].   

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Disciplines: Hunter