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2022 FEI Combined Driving World Championship News

by US Equestrian Communications Department | Jun 8, 2022, 12:00 PM

Driving Selectors Announced

The Selection Committee for the 2022 FEI Driving World Championship for Single Horses and the FEI Driving World Championship for Four-in-Hand Horses includes:

  • Marc Johnson, Chair
  • Ellen Epstein
  • Nifty Hamilton
  • Mary Phelps
  • Gary Yeager

This group brings a diverse wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. Selections are reviewed by the Driving Sport Committee (sans any conflicted individuals) before being approved by an Ad Hoc of the USEF Board of Directors. Watch for announcements of the Land Rover U.S. Driving Teams in early August.

  • Land Rover U.S. Driving Team for Four-in-hand Horses will be selected by or before August 1
  • Land Rover U.S. Driving Team and individuals for Single Horses will be selected by August 8

Chefs d’Equipe and Coach Announced for the FEI Driving World Championships

Marcie Quist is taking on the role of the Chef d’Equipe for the Four-in-hands this year at several events leading up to and including the 2022 FEI Driving World Championship for Four-in-hands in Pratoni del Vivaro, Italy. Along with her USEF CD Judges and Technical Delegate licenses, Quist is also an FEI Steward and soon to be FEI Technical Delegate.

Dee Aldrich will work as the Chef d’Equipe with the single drivers attending the 2022 FEI Driving World Championship for Singles. Aldrich previously served as the Chef d’Equipe for the Land Rover U.S. Driving team for Pairs and Ponies in 2019.

US Equestrian has invited renowned singles driver, Suzy Stafford, to serve as the Singles Coach for the Land Rover U.S. Driving Team and selected individuals at the championship. Stafford’s international successes over the past decade include FEI individual gold and silver medals with single ponies as well as a team bronze medal. Nationally, she has won multiple USEF Advanced Single Combined Driving National Championships with both ponies and horses. Additionally, she has won many annual awards, Morgan carriage driving awards, IFSHA and Friesian awards. We look forward to Stafford leading the Land Rover U.S. Driving Team in France this fall.

Applications Closing

Online applications for both 2022 FEI Driving World Championships will CLOSE after June 15, 2022. No more applications will be accepted after this final deadline. Applicants can continue to acquire the USEF criteria and FEI qualifications until selection, which will take place on August 1 and August 8 for the Four-in-Hands and Singles, respectively. To apply online, go to your Athlete Dashboard and select Online Applications for Driving. Learn more about the selection processes.

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Disciplines: Combined Driving