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FEI Announces Decision in Amy Tryon Kentucky Three-Day Event Case

by gaillardm | Jul 20, 2007, 5:09 PM

FEI Announces Decision in Amy Tryon Kentucky Three-Day Event Case

(Lexington, KY) - Today the FEI Tribunal announced its decision in the case of Amy Tryon on her horse Le Samurai while participating in the cross-country phase of the 2007 Rolex Kentucky 4-Star Event on 28 April 2007.

The case involved the riding of an apparently lame horse in the final moments of the course, and the state of the horse when the last fence was jumped. A hearing was held in this matter on 25 June 2007, at which the parties presented a substantial volume of evidence including testimony from a number of very experienced members of the international eventing community.

To access the FEI press release reviewing the tribunal’s decision go to:

http://www.horsesport.org/c/news/news.htm?&vID=1806 or www.horsesport.org under “News” on the homepage.

“The FEI acted with the utmost thoroughness in reviewing this case and with the careful thought and consideration of all of the circumstances. They also moved the hearing forward quickly and rendered their decision with the greatest possible expediency. The USEF will abide by and enforce their decision,” said David O’Connor, President of the USEF.