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American Saddlebred Horse Association's Nominating Committee to Consider Over 140 Submissions

by By Daniel Rieffer | Sep 20, 2007, 11:06 AM

The American Saddlebred Horse Association’s (ASHA) Nominating Committee has been provided with names of over 140 individuals to consider for positions on the association’s board of directors. The deadline of September 14 just passed for suggestions from the general membership and the American Saddlebred community.

“There were 49 individuals suggested this year alone,” said Charlotte Tevis, Administration Manager. “We also keep the suggestions that members made in previous years, and the Nominating Committee will be provided the total list of 142. The staff prepares a tally sheet for the committee, which includes membership information, the year suggested and details the criteria mentioned in the association’s bylaws for service as a director. The committee has some hard work ahead of it, because there are so many qualified people to consider!” The specific section of the bylaws outlining the election procedures may be viewed online at www.saddlebred.com/files/bylaws_article3_part2.pdf.

The Nominating Committee is not limited to suggestions provided by the membership, and will meet in person and by teleconference as needed before the next meeting of the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, scheduled for late October, when it presents its nominees per the association’s bylaws, which can be viewed online at www.saddlebred.com/files/bylaws.pdf. Voting for directors to assume office in February 2008 takes place in January when ballots and other materials are mailed to the membership for the Annual Meeting. The 2008 meeting is scheduled for February 14-16, 2008, at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Lexington, KY.

The members of the Nominating Committee are as follows: Chairman Paul Treiber ([email protected]), Nelson Green ([email protected]), Corky Robertson ([email protected]), Suzi Teater ([email protected]) and Misdee Wrigley Miller ([email protected]).