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Attention USEF Hunter Seat Medal Riders

by By USEF | Oct 4, 2007, 2:31 PM

The following rule changes were approved by the Executive Committee on September 17, 2007, with an effective date of October 1, 2007. Bold/italic format indicates new text. Strikethrough indicates deleted text.

EQ105 Conditions Governing Competitors in USEF Medal Classes. [Chapter EQ. Equitation Division] Effective 10/1/07:
3. A contestant’s legal residence at the time they apply for membership is maintained throughout the year.
3. 4. A rider can enter Medal classes anywhere in the United States but the number of points to qualify for the Hunter Seat Medal Final (or semi-finals if held) depends on the requirements of the rider’s point state of his legal residence. A rider’s point state shall be the state given on the rider’s membership application. That address is locked on December 1 of the competition year or the first day of the rider’s membership activation, which ever comes first. However, a Life member’s address is always locked on December 1 of the competition year. The address given on the membership application must be the state where the rider resided the most number of days in the previous competition year regardless of other legal or mailing address (e.g. a rented P.O. Box, a mail forwarding service, or other temporary domicile). If a rider is found not in compliance with this rule, the rider may be subject to disqualification from the USEF Hunter Seat Medal Finals. A person may apply to the Federation for permission to change their point state.