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FEI Nominations Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting

by By Malina Gueorguiev | Nov 8, 2007, 1:55 PM

The Nomination Committee met for the first time at the FEI Headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, November 1-2, 2007.

During their one-and-a-half-day meeting, the committee mainly discussed and reviewed the following: conflict of interest and confidentiality agreement, role of the committee, procedures and timeline.

The committee will forward a report to the Bureau for their upcoming Bureau meeting in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The National Federations will be updated as soon as possible thereafter.

The role of the Nominations Committee, as specified in the FEI Internal Regulations, is to seek and receive nominations from National Federations for all positions on the Bureau, Committees and Tribunal, and to make recommendations to the Bureau and General Assembly based on objective eligibility criteria. During the 2007 General Assembly, each Regional Group was asked to elect one member from their group to serve on the Nomination Committee. In order to qualify, the candidate could not serve as either a Group Chair or sit on any other FEI Committee.

The Committee’s composition is as follows:
Group I: Jacky Buchmann (Belgium), member
Group II: Martien van den Heuvel (The Netherlands), member
Group III: Rakshan Radpour (Ireland), member
Group IV: John Long (United States), Chair
Group V: Maribel Alonso de Quinzeaños (Mexico), member
Group VI: Alejandro Amaya (Argentina), member
Group VII: Ghazi Yehia (Liberia), member
Group VIII: Il-Hong Kim (Korea), member
Group IX: Neil Fitt (Botswana), member