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2008 Olympic Games—Post Test Event Update Report

by By Malina Gueorguiev | Nov 21, 2007, 10:11 AM

A report on the Olympic Test Event held in Hong Kong in August was presented at the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) Bureau meeting in Dubai. The goal of this essential event was to review the venue, layout and procedures for the three Olympic disciplines.

Main issues requiring further work were lighting in the main arena; press officer and media operations; veterinary issues and confirmation of a weather protocol designed with Hong Kong Observatory; and communication between the FEI and the National Federations.

Specific issues of National Olympic Committees/National Federations are being addressed by the FEI.

Legacy Equestrian Sports Mainland China
The agreement signed by the FEI with BOCOG and countersigned by the International Olympic Committee at the time of the decision for the transfer of the equestrian sports from Beijing to Hong Kong requires that a post-Games Legacy for Equestrian Sports be upheld in Mainland China.

BOCOG is committed to establish an equestrian training and competition center suitable for international competitions within a disease-free zone and finalizing the decision on its location by the end of 2007.

The city of Nanjing has shown a keen interest and is currently being reviewed by BOCOG. The FEI has contacted OIE with a proposal to re-initiate the OIE Mission that has visited Beijing and Hong Kong in the past, to review the possibilities of establishing a disease-free zone in one of these areas. This would require effective movement control, a serological survey to identify any movement-affecting equine diseases in the area, continuing surveillance of equine diseases and an airport that falls within the controllable area. The previous OIE Missions had structural FEI participation; it has been made clear to the OIE that such a mission should visit China prior to August 2008.

On to Hong Kong Workshop
Since the FEI will not hold a General Assembly early in 2008, a convenient venue that will regroup most of the National Federations participating in the Olympic Games is to be selected. The objective is to allow BOCOG/HGEC to present their progress report and final arrangements in regard to key issues, such as transportation. It is suggested that the On to Hong Kong Workshop be organized in Lausanne on February 17, 2008, in conjunction with the meetings held by the Welfare Sub-Committee.