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Lizzy Chesson Promoted to USEF Director of Show Jumping High Performance Activities

by Joanie Morris | Dec 11, 2007, 4:38 PM

Lexington, KY ­– The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) is pleased to announce that Lizzy Chesson has been promoted to the position of Director of Show Jumping High Performance Activities. Chesson, 30, is deeply rooted in international equestrian sports. She groomed for her mother and was part of two World Championship Driving Teams in that capacity and in 1999 she was selected to drive a pair of horses in the World Pair Championship in Hungary.

“Lizzy has been a great addition to the USEF International Team,” said Jim Wolf, Executive Director of USEF Sport Programs. “She has already made significant contributions to the organization and administration of our Show Jumping High Performance programs. Her knowledge of equestrian sport at the international level and her commitment to excellence will serve her well in her expanded role with the USEF.”

Chesson served on the USEF High Performance Driving Committee as well as the Chairman of the USEF High Performance Eligible Active Pair Driver Committee. She graduated from Columbia University where she studied Spanish and German while earning a degree in Art History. Chesson began working in the USEF's Show Jumping department at the Gladstone, NJ office in 2006 as an assistant to the Managing Director, Sally Ike. In that role she was largely responsible for all the logistics and complicated accounting regarding the U.S. Teams traveling in Europe on the Samsung Super League Tour.

“She's done a great job,” said Ike. “She has a wonderful relationship with George Morris (U.S. Chef d'Equipe). We are very, very lucky to have her. One of her greatest strengths is her international competitive background. She “gets it”.”

Ike has been serving as both the Show Jumping High Performance and Managing Director. She will continue in the latter role and assist Chesson in making the transition into her new position.

“I feel honored to have the opportunity to work with Sally and George and the rest of the High Performance team,” said Chesson. “I look forward to continuing our pursuit of show jumping success both in the U.S. and overseas in this new role. I'm excited about the opportunity and feel incredibly fortunate to work with such an experienced and dynamic team.”

Chesson lives in Gladstone and still rides and drives when she can find the time.

For more information please contact Joanie Morris, High Performance Communications Manager at [email protected].

Joanie Morris