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USEF Presents Two Veterinary Clinics in 2008

by By Chuck Walker | Dec 12, 2007, 4:40 PM

The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) will present two clinics in 2008 for veterinarians involved with national level horse shows. These clinics will share information and material to interested show veterinarians, testing veterinarians and senior veterinary students.

The clinics will discuss the veterinarian’s relationship with USEF, explain USEF Drug and Medications rules and how to become a testing vet, give advice for vets treating horses on the show grounds, explain responsibility with measurement of ponies, information on working with the FEI, filling out a Passport, etc.

The dates and locations for these clinics are:
August 9 – 10, 2008 Lexington, Kentucky
October 24 – 25, 2008 Anaheim, California, sponsored by AIRshod Inc.

For additional information on these clinics, please contact Chuck Walker, USEF Assistant Director of Continuing Education at (859) 225-6970 or via email at [email protected].

As the sponsor of the October clinic, AIRshod Inc. manufactures, markets and distributes innovative products for the equine industry. Based in Napa, California, AIRshod strives to partner with veterinarians, farriers, trainers, riders and equine professionals to find concrete solutions that improve the welfare and health of the horse. For more information visit www.airshod.com.

Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the August clinic. If interested, please contact Scott Carling, USEF Managing Director of Sales and Sponsorship at (859) 225-6928 or via email at [email protected].