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2007 Group Member Organization Award Winners Announced at the United States Dressage Federation's Annual Convention

by By Melissa Holzwarth | Dec 13, 2007, 10:50 AM

The United States Dressage Federation (USDF) is pleased to congratulate all of the winners of the 2007 General Member Organization (GMO) Awards, which were presented during the Board of Governor’s General Assembly at the 2007 Adequan/USDF Annual Convention at the end of November. These awards are given annually to recognize outstanding GMO newsletter and website layout and design, first person experience articles, general interest articles, and volunteers. Also included are the winners of the inaugural “Grow Your GMO Challenge” and recognition of three grant recipients from the Ruth Arvanette Memorial Fund that provides financial assistance for deserving individuals to attend the Adequan/USDF Annual Convention.
This year’s winners were:

GMO Newsletter Awards

GMOs with less than 75 members: Brazos Association of Classical Horsemanship, Bach Notes, February 2007
GMOs with 75 to 174 members: Southern Eventing & Dressage Association, Off Course, May/June 2007
GMOs with 175 to 499 members: Dressage Association of Southern California, Collected Comments, May/June 2007
GMOs with 500 or more members: New England Dressage Association, A Tip of the Hat, August 2007

First Person Experience Article: Gold Coast Dressage Association, Flying Changes, August/September 2007: "After the Fall" by Tracey Winter

General Interest/Informatory Article: Houston Dressage Society, Collective Remarks, September 2006: "Lightness—An Elusive Quality" by Paul Kathen

GMO Web Site Awards

GMOs with less than 75 members: Crossroads Dressage & Combined Training Association (www.cdcts.org)
GMOs with 75 to 174 members: Southern Eventing & Dressage Association (www.sedariders.org)
GMOs with 175 to 499 members: South Carolina Dressage & Combined Training Association (www.scdcta.com)
GMOs with 500 or more members: New England Dressage Association (www.neda.org)

Regional GMO Volunteers of the Year
Region 1: Alison Head (Hamilton, VA - Virginia Dressage Association)
Region 2: Theresa Luley (Sheridan, IN - Indiana Dressage Association)
Region 6: Francy Haupt (Newberg, OR - Oregon Dressage Society)
Region 8: Diane Holston (Athol, MA - New England Dressage Association)
Region 9: Marilyn Kulifay (Houston, TX - Houston Dressage Society)

Grow Your GMO Challenge
GMOs with less than 75 members: South Carolina Dressage & Combined Training Association (315.79% growth)
GMOs with 75 to 174 members: Central Texas Dressage Society (112.5% growth)
GMOs with 175 to 499 members: Dressage Association of Southern California (27.86% growth)
GMOs with 500 or more members: Georgia Dressage & Combined Training Association (12.71% growth)

Ruth Arvanette Memorial Fund Grants
Guy R. Vaughn (Sonoita, AZ)
Robyn Comeau (Kathleen, GA)
Carol A. Voogd (Spokane, WA)

For more information on GMOs in your area or GMO award programs, please visit www.usdf.org, or contact the USDF GMO Council liaison at [email protected].