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New Worldwide Registry for the Pure Spanish Horse Now Available

by By Barbara Clark | Feb 27, 2008, 2:11 PM

The launch of the P.R.E. Mundial worldwide registry for the Pure Spanish Horse went off without a hitch this week, as the PREA staff of The Foundation in Albuquerque, NM, went into full swing to rush the first batch of cartas to their owners. Horses were registered who were born in five different countries—Germany, Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico and the United States—making a truly worldwide beginning for the new registry.

All hands were on deck with two of the directors of The Foundation flying in to man phones, answer questions and aid in getting the new cartas out to the world P.R.E. community.

Mary Adams, Director, coordinated the “flow” with Monica Behrend and Margaret Lopez, setting up a meticulous progression of documentation on each applicant’s horses. “It has to be done with the integrity The Foundation is known for,” Adams told one caller. “ The carta will be something to be proud of for years to come, but it will be in your hands sooner than you’ve ever gotten a carta before!”

The royal-purple cover P.R.E. Mundial cartas are everywhere in the PREA offices. In boxes and on desktops, in various stages of readiness, they are being assembled and proofed, before sending on to Dick Nickerson, President of The Foundation, and Registar Lanys-Kaye Eddy, for final review and signatures. Each day, the number of cartas taken to the post office increases as more and more requests come in and the flow of the process to produce their new documents becomes smoother.

President Dick Nickerson said, “This registry meets a pressing need for P.R.E. owners around the globe. With the P.R.E. Mundial Carta, even if an owner wants to dual register with any other country, we can put authentic registration papers in his hands in a matter of days, when provided with proper documentation and DNA proof of parentage. Most owners know you can now wait literally years for the carta from Spain. P.R.E. Mundial s a win-win situation...a truly international registry. ”

According to Barbara Clark, Executive Director of The Foundation, anyone who wants their veterinarian added to the list for inscription needs to contact PRE Mundial offices immediately. Revision sites for the coming months will be organized soon, in the U.S. and Canada.

Chairman of the Board, Barbara Currie, wants all breeders and owners to know that: “We will be visiting other countries to introduce P.R.E. Mundial. We’ll take templates and information to Costa Rica’s national competition this month to inform our good friends in Central and South America. We expect a very good reception. P.R.E. Mundial was designed to put a set of reins in neutral hands, and that is good for everyone. We have added back the 100-year-old quality-control traditions of the Spanish Cria, which have been an invaluable tool for the breeder in evaluating stock, especially outside Spain. At the same time, we took a hard look at what might be modernized, then streamlined and simplified. We believe that this sober but progressive approach will be welcomed in all countries as they become familiar with their new registry.”

Kaye-Eddy said, “We’re so happy with how the concept for P.R.E. Mundial came together, as it gives the owners so much. The registry policies incorporate Spanish tradition and put authentic registration documents in the hands of owners quickly and inexpensively.”

More information on P.R.E. Mundial can be found at The Foundation’s website at www.prehorse.org. Office contacts are Margaret Lopez at [email protected] and and Monica Behrend at [email protected], (505) 323-4413, extensions 13 and 11, respectively.