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USEF Values Input from its Members

by Brian Sosby | Apr 24, 2008, 3:12 PM

Federation members may submit rule changes if they feel an aspect of the USEF Rulebook needs revision. According to the process set forth in GR150, the deadline for individual members to submit a rule change for consideration at the January 2009 Annual Meeting is June 1st.

Proposed rule changes may be submitted through our automated online submission system, located under “Rules & Governance,” then “Rule Book,” then “Rule Change Proposal Form,” or via paper on the Official Rule Change Form, which can be downloaded from our website. If you have any questions about how to draft a proposal, we encourage you to read the Rule Change Brochure, www.usef.org/documents/rules/ruleChanges/PRC/PRCbrochure.pdf, which answers many of the most common questions regarding the rule change process.

Should you have any additional questions about the process, contact Abigail Cook, Legislative Coordinator, at (859) 225-2057 or [email protected].

Mary Smith