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American Hackney Horse Society Foundation Offers Ed Frickey Memorial Scholarship

by By Jessica Fisher | Jun 16, 2008, 10:07 AM

The American Hackney Horse Society Foundation (AHHSF) announced a $2,500 College Scholarship for incoming sophomore, junior, and senior students. This scholarship will be awarded to a selected student based on financial need, academic success, and a commitment to the Hackney breed, whether present, past or future. The scholarship is funded by the Ed Frickey Memorial and will be awarded on an annual basis.

This new scholarship will join the currently offered scholarships for incoming freshman funded by the Al Haugen Memorial and the AHHSF.

Presentation of these awards will be made at the World’s Championship Horse Show in August 2008.
The deadline for applications is July 1, 2008. Applications may be obtained by visiting www.hackneysociety.com or by calling (515) 285-1119.