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Kentucky Horse Park and American Association of Equine Practitioners Introduce “Healthy Horses”

by By Cindy Rullman, Kentucky Horse Park | Jan 26, 2005, 11:34 AM

In an effort to improve the lives of horses, the Kentucky Horse Park and the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) will conduct the first ever Healthy Horses series of seminars at the park on May 14.

John Nicholson, Executive Director of the Kentucky Horse Park, commented, “The weeks preceding and following the Kentucky Derby bring national attention to Kentucky’s horse industry, so it’s a perfect time for everyone in our state who is involved with horses to take a fresh look at the measures we’re taking to keep these great animals healthy.”

Healthy Horses is primarily geared toward those who own or have stewardship over horses. Farm managers, backyard breeders, grooms, trainers, and those who currently own or anticipate owning horses will glean practical, cutting-edge information from the seminars, which will be led by AAEP member veterinarians at the Kentucky Horse Park on topics essential to responsible horse care.

Nicholson continued, “Horses and horse lovers come to the Kentucky Horse Park from around the world, which places us in the unique position of having the ability to make a difference in the lives of untold numbers of horses. We are proud to partner with the AAEP and some of the top equine veterinarians across the country in endeavoring to make the Kentucky Horse Park the equine education capital of the world. The more people know, the better they can care for these beautiful, complex creatures under their guardianship.

“Healthy Horses complements and broadens the already-successful, existing owner-education programs currently hosted by the park and the AAEP independently. We anticipate that the inauguration of Healthy Horses will be just the beginning of a very significant series of joint education seminars over the next few years.”

David Foley, Executive Director of the AAEP, observed, “The AAEP and the Kentucky Horse Park are actively engaged in promoting equine welfare. The Healthy Horses program is an extension of Kentucky’s vital obligation to assist the horses which contribute so much to our lives and our Commonwealth.”

The AAEP, which is headquartered at the Kentucky Horse Park’s National Horse Center, is the world's largest professional association of equine veterinarians. The AAEP's mission is to improve the health and welfare of the horse, to further the professional development of its members, and to provide resources and leadership for the benefit of the equine industry.

Foley continued, “We are very excited to be a part of the Healthy Horses program. AAEP has been heavily vested in education for the horse owner for several years now, and the Kentucky Horse Park provides both an ideal setting and a natural partnership for this venture.”

The seminar is expected to fill quickly, so interested participants are encouraged to register soon. Pre-registration fee is only $40. For information on Healthy Horses, contact Amity Brannock at (859) 259-4225, ext 225.

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