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Removal of Bandages and Boots Now Mandatory After FEI-Sanctioned Grand Prix Competitions

by By John P. Roche, Manager FEI Jumping Department | Jan 26, 2005, 11:37 AM

On the recommendation of the recently created FEI Task Force, the Jumping Committee herewith, with immediate effect, makes it obligatory for bandages and boots to be removed from each horse following his participation in FEI-sanctioned Grand Prix competitions at all levels. This also applies to Derby competitions, as well as both rounds of each Nations Cup competition.

This inspection will be carried by the Chief Steward officiating at the event in question. The FEI Veterinary Delegate must be informed when and where this control will take place. The FEI Veterinary Delegate must also be available, if needed, at any time during these controls.

The Jumping Committee also strongly recommends that such controls be carried for other competitions, in particular competitions with high prize money.

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Disciplines: Eventing