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Deborah Lipsky and Will Richards to Deliver Keynote at NARHA National Conference

by By Barbara Yost | Jul 25, 2008, 4:16 PM

NARHA announced that Deborah Lipsky and Dr. Will Richards have been signed as keynote speakers for the 2008 NARHA National Conference and Annual Meeting in Hartford, CT on October 30. Their presentation is titled “Horses and Individuals with Autism: a Natural Therapeutic Relationship”

Lipsky holds a masters degree in education and counseling and she presents workshops on autism across the U.S. to healthcare workers and laypersons. Diagnosed with high functioning autism, she has found her own unique solutions and strategies for coping with autism as an adult. She has a way of letting audiences “feel” what it is like to be autistic and her interactive style keeps audiences riveted. She received the 2005 Autism Society of Maine’s outstanding volunteer award and the Temple Grandin Award in 2006.

Dr. Richards is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Maine who works with individuals who have cognitive, behavioral, emotional, and social challenges. A former university professor, inpatient administrator, and clinical director, he now works almost exclusively with people diagnosed within the autism spectrum.

Lipsky and Richards have developed an innovative approach to handling autistic meltdowns called S.C.A.R.E.D. Their presentation will explore communications between equines and autistic people, including the special nature of this bond and the similarities between equine and autistic sensibilities and habits.

Michael Ganey of Pfizer will also present a keynote speech at the NARHA National Conference. For more information about the NARHA National Conference or to register, please visit the NARHA website at www.narha.org.