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Nicole Simpson Rises in the Ranks as Top West Coast League Contender for 2005 FEI World Cup Show Jumping Final

by Sarah Lane | Feb 15, 2005, 12:48 PM

Indio, CA – With only two World Cup qualifiers left for the West Coast League, Nicole Simpson stakes a new claim in the top spot, positioning herself 15 points ahead of second ranked rider Joie Gatlin. Simpson now boasts an impressive 81 points to Gatlin’s 66. Last week’s first-ranked Richard Spooner is in third place following this latest qualifier, with 65 points. These top contenders are among nearly 30 West Coast riders vying for the three World Cup spots the League is allowed.

Simpson and El Campeon’s So Long were the only horse and rider team to bring in a double clean round in the jump-off February 13, with a time of 55.47 seconds. Gabriela Salick gave the pair a run for their money, though in the end, four faults in the jump-off kept her from a first place finish. Adding 17 points to her World Cup qualifying score, Salick now rounds out the top tier of riders as she moves to fourth place on the qualifying list, with 61 points.

These riders will have a chance to shape their World Cup fate with two final qualifiers, February 27 and March 13, after which the three West Coast League riders going to Las Vegas April 20-24 will finally be determined. Of the nine qualifiers riders can potentially compete in, only the top five scores will count towards the overall number used for selection. Those chosen from the West Coast League will join the seven chosen from the East Coast League, and two undetermined wild card riders afforded to the host country.

Top Finishers at the $75,000 Bayer Grand Prix
Indio, CA
*World Cup Rider

Rider, Country, Horse, Faults, Time (if applicable), World Cup Qualifying Points (if applicable)
1. *Nicole Shahinian-Simpson, USA, El Campeon’s So Long, 0-0 faults, 55.47 seconds, 20 points
2. *Gabriella Salick, USA, Sandstone Laurin, 0-4 faults, 51.08 seconds, 17 points
3. *Jeff Campf, USA, Lady-D, 0-4 faults, 51.69 seconds, 15 points
4. Kim Farlinger, CAN, Del Destino, 0-4 faults, 53.51 seconds
5. *Joie Gatlin, USA, SunCal’s King, 0-8 faults, 53.34 seconds, 13 points
6. *Molly Talla, USA, Camaron Hills Shanroe, 0-8 faults, 53.89 seconds, 12 points
7. *Mandy Porter, USA, Summer, 1 fault, 11 points
8. *Mark Watring, PUR, Sapphire, 1 fault, 11 points
9. *Cathleen Calvert, CAN, Friponnier II CH, 4 faults, 8 points
*Michael Endicott, USA, Surrey, 4 faults, 8 points
Laura Linback, USA, Remember Me 9, 4 faults
John Pearce , CAN, Champagne, 4 faults
*Richard Spooner, USA, Hilton Flight, 4 faults, 8 points
*Duncan McFarlane, NZL, Eezy, 4 faults, 8 points

To receive the complete results in an easy to read table for publication, please e-mail [email protected].
For the latest in World Cup standings for the East and West Coast Leagues, log onto www.usef.org, click on High Performance, and then Show Jumping. Rankings are updated regularly under the World Cup header.

~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via email at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our website – www.usef.org.

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