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FarmVet Announces Equestrian Aid Foundation Day

by Joanie Morris | Nov 3, 2008, 4:32 PM

WELLINGTON, Fla. (Oct. 31, 2008) – FarmVet, an Internet catalogue company offering horse and pet care products, has announced a new program that benefits the Equestrian Aid Foundation (EAF). The first Tuesday of each month, starting Nov. 4, has been designated as EAF Day where a portion of that day’s proceeds are donated to the EAF. Exact dates are listed at www.equestrianaidfoundation.org. The one-year program enables horse owners and managers to contribute to the EAF through their regular monthly purchases of animal care products.

“EAF has done a great job of helping equestrian athletes and FarmVet is happy to be a part of their efforts,” said Christian Currey, president of FarmVet.

Purchases made on EAF Day through the Internet - www.farmvet.com; toll-free number - 888.837.3626; or traveling store will be included in the day’s donations. Special bonus days have also been established during the Rolex International Three-Day Event and the Hampton Classic. Customers can also make direct online contributions using the EAF donation box on FarmVet’s website.

“The EAF is thrilled to have the ongoing support of FarmVet and its customers. With EAF Day purchases, customers get great FarmVet products and the reward that they have directly improved the life of a horseperson during a time of need,” said R. Scot Evans, president of the Equestrian Aid Foundation. “FarmVet, under the leadership and vision of Christian Currey, has been at the forefront of creative programs that raise awareness and support for a variety of special interests and disciplines in the equestrian community.”

In 1996 the Equestrian AIDS Foundation was established to assist those with HIV/Aids. Recognizing a broader need, the organization changed its name and mission. The Equestrian Aid Foundation’s mission is to build a membership based organization to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support for their medical or other basic needs. It is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides grant recipients funding for medical, healthcare, rehabilitation and essential expenses, such as housing and food throughout their time of need.

Its pledge is to treat EAF recipients with dignity and respect while promising its members and sponsors the highest level of fiduciary responsibility with their dues and donations. Visit www.equestrianaidfoundation.org for more information.