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Update Regarding USEF Dressage Performance Standards Proposal

by By Jennifer Keeler | Nov 5, 2008, 4:45 PM

Results of a United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) online survey conducted in May and June 2008 concerning the USEF Dressage Performance Standards Proposal showed that 65% of the over 1,250 respondents feel that there should be a proficiency requirement in order to advance through the levels in dressage competition. In addition, 56% of respondents indicate that the levels of proficiency identified in the draft proposal were appropriate.

Important concerns about the USEF Dressage Performance Standards Proposal were expressed from survey respondents regarding costs to USEF, United States Dressage Federation (USDF), and members; access for riders in parts of the U.S. offering few shows; and recognition of good riding on modest horses. In consideration of these concerns, and as a result of ongoing work on the proposal, the USEF Dressage Committee has made several modifications to the proposal, including the inclusion of a “Rider Test” option. This test would provide another method of qualifying in order to compete at USEF-licensed dressage competitions at Fourth Level and Prix St. Georges. The Rider Test, using the movements of the current USEF Third Level Test 3, would replace traditional scoring with general scores for evaluation of rider competency. A draft sample of this test is now available for review on the Performance Standards page of the USEF website at www.usef.org/_IFrames/breedsDisciplines/discipline/allDressage/PerformanceStandards.aspx.

The current USEF Dressage Performance Standards Proposal is now in the form of official rule change proposals, which are available for review on the USEF website at www.usef.org/_IFrames/RuleBook/RuleProposals/PRCChater.aspx?chapter=DR. The relevant tracking numbers are #302-08 and #329-08. USEF members may submit comments regarding the rule change proposals via the website, and all feedback is welcomed and will be considered by the Dressage Committee.

USEF and USDF members will have the opportunity to discuss the USEF Dressage Performance Standards Proposal in person at an open forum conducted by the USEF Dressage Committee at the USDF Annual Convention in Denver, CO. This open forum is scheduled for Thursday, December 4, from 1:30 to 2:30 local time. Please visit the USDF website for more information regarding the USDF Annual Convention at www.usdf.org.