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Oldenburg Champion Stallions Named and the OS Jumper Champion Sold for a Record 1.1 Million Euro at the 2008 Oldenburg Stallion Days in Germany

by Sarah Evers | Dec 3, 2008, 1:31 PM

In only it's sixth year of existence, the Springpferdezuchtverbandes Oldenburg-International or "OS" has made history with the Champion of the 2008 Stallion Licensing who will now be known as 'Le Champ Ask' after being purchased by Stutteri As—the jumping stallion station of Blue Hors—for 1.1 Million Euro.

The OS branded stallion was impressive from the first moment of the testing. The stunning presence of this stallion along with his expressive trot and balanced canter on the lunge immediately grabbed everyone's attention. Of course the second day of testing really clinched it for the big gray. He set himself up for the fences, jumping with excellent scope and beautiful form. This well-rounded ability along with his amazing character really had everyone talking, and apparently preparing for the afternoon auction.

Once the bidding came to its dramatic close, the manager of Blue Hors, Esben Moller, jumped over the wall from his seat to take the stallion on a well-deserved victory lap. The crowd roared as the stallion went around while his breeder and owner who just became a new millionare, Reinhard Mahnel, threw his arms in the air in happiness.

The Oldenburg Stallion Körung also showed a great deal of depth in talent this year. From Sir Donnerhall's full brother to the top-priced colt of 2006, Fürstenball, the judges and audience had their work cut out for them to decide which were their favorites.

For most who watched every phase of the testing, the champion was clear—#18, Fürstenball was balanced, through, elastic, and expressive in all three gaits throughout all of the testing. Having been the top selling colt in 2006 selling for 110,000 Euro to Lone Boegh-Henricksen of Denmark who then placed him in the care of Johannes Westendarp who prepared the stallion for this licensing.

Fürstenball was bred by George Sieverding of Emstek, Germany, who also bred the 2007 Körung Champion, Sieger Hit. Fürstenball's dam, St.Pr./El.St. Maradonna (Donnerhall x St.Pr./El.St. Marella (Classiker)) is a full sister to Sieger Hit's dam, St.Pr./El.St. Maradita. Maradonna was third in the 2001 Brilliant Ring herself and she has produced a licensed son by Dimaggio, and the mares St.Pr./El.St. Ma Fleur (Florestan I) and St.Pr.St. Merethe (Florestan I) who was fourth in the 2006 Brilliant Ring. Fürstenball is sired by Fuerst Heinrich (Florestan I x Dawina (Donnerhall)), the 2003 Young Horse World Champion for the five-year-old dressage horses.

For more on the rest of the stallions and to see video clips, please visit