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Changes Announced to the USEF Show Jumping Computer List for 2009 Competition Season

by Joanie Morris | Dec 16, 2008, 4:02 PM

Lexington, KY - The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) has approved the following modifications to the Selection Procedures for CSIO/CSI Competitions, aka “the USEF Computer List”. The following changes (noted in bold/italics) became effective on December 1, 2008.


• If a competitor withdraws from a CSI***/CSIO*** and above (US, CAN, MEX are excluded) more than three (3) times in one year after Athlete Services has sent the competitor’s invitation request to the organizer, riders will be expected to follow steps 1-4 as outlined below and, in addition, the next invitation he requests will not be granted, nor entries submitted should the competitor receive an invitation directly from the organizer. This will be strictly enforced. Athlete Services usually submits invitation requests two (2) months prior to the competition.

• If a competitor withdraws from a CSI***/CSIO*** and above (US, CAN, MEX are excluded) after the nominated and/or definite entry to the organizing committee has been submitted by Athlete Services he/she must follow steps 1-4 as outlined below:
1. Explain their reason for withdrawing to the Chef d’Equipe, and receive his approval of their withdrawal. His contact information may be obtained by calling Athlete Services or the Show Jumping High Performance Department at 908-234-0848.

2. Send a written explanation to Athletes Services. If the Chef d’Equipe approves of the withdrawal, Athlete Services will officially notify the organizing committee.

3. Send a letter of apology to the organizing committee, copying Athlete Services.

4. Submit a vet certificate to Athlete Services if reason for withdrawal is an unsound horse or a physician’s note to Athlete Services if the reason for withdrawal is due to competitor illness/injury. This step applies only to withdrawing after nominated and/or definite entry has been submitted.

5. In addition, if the withdrawal is for other than documented veterinary and/or medical reasons, the competitor will not receive permission for the next show in which he wishes to enter.

6. The second time a competitor withdraws within a calendar year from a CSI***/CSIO*** and above (US, CAN, MEX are excluded) for other than documented veterinary and/or medical reasons, the competitor will not receive permission for the next two shows he wishes to enter, and so on for the third show, etc.

PRIZE MONEY CO-EFFICIENT - The Prize Money Co-Efficient is the co-efficient that will be used to adjust a class’ Natural Multiplier to account for prize money.

For classes offering $25,000 - $49,999 in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.00.

For classes offering $25,001 - $34,999 in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.10.

For classes offering $35,000 - $49,999 in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.15.

For classes offering $50,000 - $74,999$99,999 in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will multiplied by a coefficient of 1.20.

For classes offering $75,000 - $99,999 in prize money, class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.25.

For classes offering $100,000 - $199,999or over in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.30.

For classes offering $200,000 - $299,999 in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.40.

For classes offering $300,000 or over in prize money, the class’ Natural Multiplier will be multiplied by a coefficient of 1.50.

Value of Nations Cup and Grand Prix at Super League CSIO’s - The value of the Nations Cup and Grand Prix at Super League events should be 1.5, i.e..

“Nations Cup results