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2008 USEF Pegasus Media Award Winners Revealed

by Brian Sosby | Dec 29, 2008, 9:24 AM

Lexington, KY—Over the past decade, the United States Equestrian Federation has bestowed special Pegasus Awards for media excellence on an array of talented journalists, photographers and publications. As time progressed, new categories reflecting the developing and ever-changing world of media have been added to fully honor and celebrate the members of the press, media outlets and freelance artists.

Within this group of devoted and hardworking individuals and publications, we find the heart of the promotion, celebration and examination of equestrian sport. They help us share our passion and excitement, all while opening doors to fans of equestrian sport—old and new.

For the publication divisions, three categories were contested. Each separate category produced a quality product, and the judging proved quite a challenge.

In the Affiliate category, it was the Arabian Horse Association’s Modern Arabian Horse taking the win. It is the second year in a row that the AHA’s magazine has taken the prize among the affiliate magazines entered in the competition. The Morgan Horse, produced by the American Morgan Horse Association took reserve honors.

The Special publication honor went to Horses USA, produced by Fancy Publications, a division of Bowtie, Inc. Horses USA serves as an annual reference guide for first-time and beginning horse owners.

The Overall publication category went to a past winner – EQUUS magazine. In a repeat performance from 2006, the Source Interlink magazine once again was noted for its broad appeal, quality content, art direction and overall presentation.

In the Broadcast category that encompasses both video and audio formats, HorseGirlTV’s episode titled “Inside Stübben North America” took the win. Broadcast online at www.HorseGirlTV.com, website owner and host Angelea Walkup’s production was noted for its quality and positive educational value to both equestrian and non-equestrian audiences.

Published in The Chronicle of the Horse, the Single Article award was awarded to journalist Sara Lieser for her thought-provoking article, “Defining Dangerous Riding Is No Simple Matter,” which addresses the important topic of defining and preventing dangerous riding in three-day eventing. The author’s approach to the topic was thorough and direct, and the topic was met with an adept sense of balance and skillful journalistic writing.

In the ever-expanding Internet category, it was another triumph for a Bowtie, Inc., endeavor. The website www.Horsechannel.com was named the Best Internet site in a close competition.

The Photography competition produced the winning image by photographer Kat Netzler. Originally appearing in The Chronicle of the Horse, the shot named “Kate Aldrich and William Don’t Tell” captures three-day eventer and her mount in a frozen moment in time, clearing a cross-country obstacle. The image captures both rider and horse in a moment of thought and skillful performance.

The Pegasus Awards for Media will be presented live during the 2009 USEF Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, OH, during a special luncheon on Saturday, January 17, 2009.

For more information, contact Brian Sosby, Editor of USEF’s equestrian magazine at [email protected].