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USEF Announces dates for the 2005 USEF National Dressage Grand Prix & Intermediaire I Championships

by Sarah Lane | Feb 24, 2005, 3:21 AM

Gladstone, NJ - The dates have been confirmed for the USEF National Dressage Grand Prix and Intermediaire I Championships. The USET Foundation Dressage Festival of Champions will take place June 16-18 at the USET Foundation Headquarters in Gladstone, New Jersey. Along with the Championship classes, the show will also include the USEF National Paraequestrian Championships.

Qualifying procedures and applications for both the Grand Prix and Intermediaire I can be found on the USEF’s web site, www.usef.org. If you need further assistance, please contact the USEF High Performance office in Gladstone, NJ, at (908) 234-0848.

~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via email at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site – www.usef.org.

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