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ASHA Driving Challenge Details Announced; Wisconsin Futurity Horse Show Awarded ASHA National Pleasure Equitation Class; National Pleasure Horse Champion Season Underway

by By Reeves Kirtner, American Saddlebred Horse Association | Mar 17, 2005, 11:30 AM

Qualifying classes for the finals in the 2005 ASHA Junior Exhibitor Driving Challenge at the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show August 21-27 have resumed with a slew of upcoming shows. The complete schedule of qualifying classes can be found online by clicking visiting www.asha.net/Youth/DrivingChallenge.pdf.

To qualify for the 2005 ASHA Junior Exhibitor Driving Challenge Finals, the horse must place in two official qualifying classes in the same division, either fine harness or show pleasure driving. Different drivers can qualify a horse for the finals. However, one of the drivers who qualified the horse must show the horse in the final. A horse must qualify for the 2005 Junior Exhibitor Driving Challenge between August 22, 2004 and August 21, 2005.

The ASHA Pleasure Committee awarded the Wisconsin Futurity Horse Show in Madison rights to host the ASHA National Pleasure Equitation Class for the next five years. The Wisconsin Futurity Horse Show is scheduled for September 21-25, 2005, at the Alliant Energy Center.

The ASHA National Pleasure Horse Awards season began earlier this week with the start of the Saddlebred show season. Last season was the first year ASHA formulated a high-point system to allow more competition for the awards. Points can be earned at U.S. Equestrian Federation-sanctioned shows rated A in the pleasure division in designated championship classes. Points are based on the number of class entries and the classification of the horse show.

For more information on the Junior Exhibitor Driving Challenge, ASHA National Pleasure Equitation Class or the National Pleasure Horse Awards, please contact Jennifer Mellenkamp by calling (859) 259-2742, ext. 343, or at [email protected].~~~

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