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American Morgan Horse Assocation Convention a Success

by By the American Morgan Horse Association | Mar 17, 2005, 11:49 AM

The annual convention of the American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) was a resounding success. Nearly 350 people went west to enjoy this week-long event held in Phoenix, AZ, February 7-12, 2005. The week was filled with exciting demonstrations and captivating seminars, as well as the AMHA Board of Directors quarterly meeting. The annual stallion service auction brought in more than $50,000, which for the most part goes to support the Association’s ten regional shows.

At the Board of Directors meeting, Mike Goebig of Kutztown, PA, was elected president of the Board, taking over for Sherry Cole of Sheridan, IN, who held the position for the past three years. Re-elected to the Board were Ed Creighton of Cincinnati, OH, and Cole for Region 3; C. A. “Tony” Lee of Jasper, AL, for Region 4; Judy Kjellander of Springfield, IL, and Ling Fu Wylie of St. Peters, MO, for Region 5; and Barbara Duell Hewitt of Fredericksburg, VA, for Region 10. Also, a non-binding vote by members to establish a half-Morgan registry was narrowly defeated.

The yearly convention is also a time when the Association and its members pay tribute to their own. Angela Conner Bulmer of Hereford, England, was this year’s recipient of the Morgan International Competition Award for her years of influence on the Morgan breed in her native country. Trainer Lynn Peeples earned the Cecil Brown Sportsmanship Award for his willingness to always lend a helping hand to his fellow competitors. Erin Collins Van Steenburgh of Marshfield, MA, was named AMHA Youth Person of the Year for her time spent with Morgan youth through the years.

G. Richard Jeffery of Sedalia, CO; Judith Nason of Ashby, MA; Vicki Smith of Ontario, CA; and Ivan “Red” Wolverton of Tucson, AZ, were all recipients of the Golden Reins Award, which is given to those recipients who have influenced the Morgan industry through their knowledge, time, talent and commitment.

Anne Speck of Valley Center, CA, was named AMHA Woman of the Year, for her countless contributions as an instructor and equitation horse trainer. Jeff Morse of Richmond, MA, was named AMHA Man of the Year for his ongoing promotion and volunteerism in the breed.

The AMHA Hall of Fame annually recognizes people who have given long-term support to the breed through the activities of AMHA. Inducted this year were Carol Knight of Milton, DE; Gail Perlee of Phoenix, AZ; and Arthur Perry of Santa Ynez, CA.

New this year was the AMHA Breeder’s Hall of Fame Award, which acknowledges those breeders who have produced Morgans that have had a significant impact on the breed. First to be included for this impressive award were Anna Ela and her daughter, Nancy Caisse of Bolton, MA, for their Townshend Farm, which has been producing Morgans since the 1930s; the late Elizabeth Power and her daughter, Susan Annis of Medway, MA, for their influence on the breed with their Waseeka-prefixed horses; Margaret Gardiner of Woolwich, ME, for her longtime breeding program of Kennebec Morgans and her foray into the international driving scene; and Jane Steffenhagen of Columbia, WI, was honored for her 50 years of heading her family’s HyLee Farm in Mt. Horeb, WI.

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