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Equestrian Aid Foundation Celebrates NAJYRC Riders with a Pizza Party

by Joanie Morris | Aug 3, 2009, 10:03 AM

Junior Competitor Jessica Deimler Recognized for EAF Fundraising Efforts

Lexington, KY – Competitors of the North American Junior and Young Rider Championships (NAJYRC) enjoyed a chance to relax with a pizza party on Thursday night (7/23) hosted by the Equestrian Aid Foundation (EAF) and EAF board member Stephanie Riggio. The hospitality tent was full of fun and laughter as hundreds of pizzas and drinks were devoured by riders, trainers and supportive families.

Giving Thanks
In the midst of friendly camaraderie, the EAF also recognized junior rider Jessica (Jess) Deimler from Atlanta for raising more than $1,500 to date for the foundation. In honor of her second trip to compete at the NAJYRC (her third year qualifying for the national championships), the 17-year-old dressage rider wanted to signify the moment by giving back to the equestrian community. Jess, with support from her mom, Dian, and trainer, Karen Lipp, sent letters asking family, friends and fellow riders to support her commitment to the EAF.

“I wanted to make a difference,” said Deimler. “I’m so grateful for all that horses have brought to my life that it is important to me to give back to that community.”

Jess and her horse, Ragtime V (aka Coda), received a Silver medal with the Region 3 team, and finished ninth in the individual competition, which allowed her to compete and achieve seventh place in the freestyle. To follow Jess and Region 3’s journey throughout the NAJYRC, visit Dian Deimler’s blog at http://juniormom.blogspot.com/. To donate in honor of Jess, see the blog or donate directly to the EAF with a notation - Jessica Deimler. To see more about the NAJYRC, go to www.youngriders.org.

Pizza To Go
As the party began to wind down, Riggio and EAF President R. Scot Evans realized that more pizzas were on their way. Riggio piled the pizzas and soft drinks in her golf cart, and they headed to the young rider stable area to play “pizza delivery service” for all those busy riders, grooms and officials that couldn’t make it to the hospitality tent.

“It was terrific spending the evening with the country’s top young riders,” said Riggio. “I especially enjoyed having the opportunity to meet Jess and thank her for her outstanding fundraising efforts on behalf of the Equestrian Aid Foundation and equestrians in need. She is setting an amazing example for us all.”

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About the Equestrian Aid Foundation:
In 1996 the Equestrian AIDS Foundation was established to assist those with HIV/AIDS. Recognizing a broader need, the organization changed its name and mission. The Equestrian Aid Foundation’s mission is to build a membership based organization to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support for their medical or other basic needs. It is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization that provides grant recipients funding for medical, healthcare, rehabilitation and essential expenses, such as housing and food throughout their time of need.

Its pledge is to treat EAF recipients with dignity and respect while promising its members and sponsors the highest level of fiduciary responsibility with their dues and donations. Visit www.equestrianaidfoundation.org for more information.