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Inaugural All American Cup Offers Record Prize Money

by Sarah Evers | Jul 1, 2004, 12:00 PM

The final count is in. One hundred and sixty two American Saddlebred weanlings will be eligible to compete in the Inaugural All American Cup. The produce from the finest stallions and best-producing broodmares the industry has to offer will compete in the All American Cup for the largest amount of money ever offered since the founding of the American Saddlebred Registry in 1891.

On Tuesday evening, September 7, 2004, at the All American Horse Classic, in Indianapolis, IN, an estimated 60-70 weanlings will go head-to-head in a competition valued at a historic purse of $216,420.

The All American Cup Grand Champion will leave the ring with an all-time record reward of $70,112. The Reserve Grand Champion will receive a record $43,819, and the third place will receive $26,291. Record premiums and other prizes will be awarded to the first sixteen places.

In addition to the All American Cup, these same weanlings may compete again on Thursday, September 9, in the Open Indiana Futurity for another record-setting purse.

There will also be “The Parade of America’s Great and Legendary Stallions,” with top senior stallions (over age 20) being presented to the public.

Hotel rooms and box seats for this event are selling out. For box seats, hotel reservations, and other information, contact Jim Aikman, 8949 Baker Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46259; 317/862-4341 (phone/fax); or visit www.allamericancup.com

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Breeds: Saddlebred