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Driving Competition Accident Guidelines Now Online

by By Beth Taylor | Mar 4, 2010, 9:54 AM

During the USEF Annual Meeting, the Safety Committee voted to provide Driving Competition Accident Guidelines to all competitions with driving classes, affiliates, and any other interested parties. The USEF Legal Counsel has reviewed the guidelines and approved them for distribution.

The Driving Competition Accident Guidelines represent a recommended approach to the special safety considerations inherent in driving activities and do not represent new procedural requirements or rule change proposals. They are offered as a resource to help in making emergency plans for competitions and are not intended to be applied without considering the specific needs of each competition or situation. The complete guidelines are available on the USEF website under the “Safety” page that is listed under the “Competitions” tab or directly at http://www.usef.org/documents/disciplines/driving/DrivingAccidentGuidelines.pdf.