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100 Reasons to Attend the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games

by By Kristin Bednarski | Jun 16, 2010, 4:22 PM

Thursday, June 17, marks 100 days to go until the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. Still looking for a good reason to come? We’ve got you covered. We came up with 100 reasons to come to the Games.

100. You get to walk on the bluegrass. It’s pretty famous in Kentucky.
99. You know that saying “When pigs fly?” Horses actually do fly here...over jumps.
98. Because trail riding is fun, but horses do much cooler things at the 2010 Games.
97. You get to meet someone from a different country, or actually, more than 60 different countries.
96. Single men, two words: International visitors.
95. Single ladies, we’ve got cowboys. With boots and hats. Some even have a southern drawl.
94. You can get horse training tips from world famous equine clinicians.
93. Because you can have a place to party...outside.
92. You can practice using a foreign language with native speakers.
91. Because tickets to the Games are better than anything Santa could ever bring.
90. You get to see horses of every color and size.
89. We’ll have beer. Kentucky Ale to be exact.
88. You can see horses in Kentucky doing something other than run in a circle.
87. Because you’re wondering exactly how one place can hold so many horses and people.
86. The Iron Chef will cook for you. It’s the only time you’ll think even rabbit liver tastes amazing.
85. To buy that cowboy hat you know you’ve always wanted.
84. Don’t care for horses? We’ll have penguins.
83. Don’t like penguins? We’ll have sharks too. Both in the Alltech Experience Pavilion.
82. For the right price, you can sit in the Champions Club without having to vault, drive, or jump your way there.
81. The best rooftop gardener in New York City will be there. And guess what? He’s a Kentuckian!
80. If you’ve never made it to the Kentucky Derby, you can watch approximately 90 Kentucky Derbies at about one-third the speed. It’s called Endurance.

Visit www.alltechfeigames.com to see the rest of the list, including the top 10 reasons to come to the Games. Remember, tickets are selling fast; click here to get yours now.