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2006 National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium to be Hosted by the University of Florida

by By Cindy Schonholtz | Jun 29, 2005, 2:59 PM

The University of Florida is hosting the 29th annual National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium, a production of the American Youth Horse Council (AYHC), the umbrella organization for the youth horse industry. The 2006 event will boast more than two-dozen internationally and nationally respected teachers assembled to share their keys to successful youth horse programming. The 29th annual National Youth Horse Leaders Symposium will be held Feb. 3-5, and offers take-home tools to teach youth about safe and effective horsemanship. From classroom to the tack-room, attendees will find resources, referrals and networking to improve their ability to help kids connect through horses.

AYHC and the University of Florida expect a capacity crowd for the event. Symposium Committee Chair Ed Johnson explains, “We are excited to be able to host the Symposium Florida. The diversity of the national-level speakers will benefit all who attend and strengthen our Florida youth horse program. Additionally, the exchange of ideas from the broad spectrum of horse-oriented youth leaders attending the conference will give everyone great ideas to take back and implement.”

The symposium routinely draws a broad representation of youth horse leaders from breed associations, equine sport organizations, Cooperative Extension, universities and the crucially important hands-on youth leaders from such groups as 4-H, U.S. Pony Club, National High School Rodeo, Future Farmers of America, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and more. Three tracks have been built to meet the needs of the audience, including an adult volunteer leader track, industry professional track, and the teen (peer) leader track. The University of Florida campus in Gainesville offers this year’s Symposium participants fabulous facilities to learn in multiple styles with live horse demonstrations, interactive workshops, classroom talks and roundtables.

Several industry groups will recognize participation in this conference for continuing education credit. For details, visit www.ayhc.com.


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