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AMHA Announces Election Results and 2011 Board of Directors

by AMHA News | Mar 7, 2011, 11:45 AM

Boston, MA - The American Morgan Horse Association announced at its annual members meeting in Boston, MA, the election of several directors.

Elected at the February meeting for Regions 3, 4, 5, 10 and Director At Large respectively were: Gayle Singer of Indiana and David Earehart of Michigan; Pat West of Florida; Kris Breyer of Illinois; David Bramley of North Carolina, and Harry Sebring of Massachusetts. These newly elected or re-elected directors join directors from Regions 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and two additional Directors at Large, making 16 positions in total on the board. A complete list of directors may be found at http://www.morganhorse.com/association/board.

At the reorganization meeting that followed, the board elected Harry Sebring President; Jeff Gove, VP Finance; Linnea Sidi, VP Central; Kathy Newcomb, VP Eastern; and Bill Pettis, VP Western.

AMHA also announced the results of voting on four proposed bylaw changes. Items 1, 2, and 4 passed and will be implemented immediately.

#1: Changing length of service criterion for emeriti (Voting results were 1,959 For and 372 Against)
#2: Elimination of board term limits (Voting results were 1,878 For and 459 Against)
#4: Changing the term “General member” to read “individual member” (Voting results were 2,036 For and 296 Against)
Item #3, the proposal by plaintiffs in the Hazelwood action, was defeated. (Voting results were 439 For and 1,909 Against)
The final verified results included 2,369 returned ballots, making the participation rate 37.63%, the highest voter response in many years.