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Paso Fino Horse Association Amateur Owner of the Year Award Nominations Due

by By Sarah Holt | Jul 13, 2005, 9:12 AM

The time has come to submit your nominations for the 2005 Amateur Owner of the Year Award to the Paso Fino Horse Association (PFHA). Please carefully read the qualifying criteria below and make nominations accordingly. Please mail a short biography of your nominee, which demonstrates how he/she has fulfilled the criteria below and mail to Lauren Conde, Amateur Owner Committee Chair, PO Box 669, Somerville, TN 38068; e-mail [email protected]. All nominations must be received by July 26, 2005.

The following are the criteria on which you should base your nomination for the Amateur Owner of the Year:

Accomplishments: The candidate must have achieved excellence in the show ring at the regional and/or national level. This includes honors, awards and commendations the candidate has received, or excellence in any recreational program recognized by PFHA.

Contributions: The candidate must have demonstrated substantial and sustained contributions to the breed at the local, regional and/or national level. This category includes contributions the candidate has made to youth, other amateur owners and promotion of the breed. Contributions could be in a volunteer or elected capacity.

Sportsmanship: The candidate must exhibit conduct becoming to a sports enthusiast, including honest rivalry and graceful acceptance of results.

Horsemanship: The candidate must exhibit excellence in skill of riding, exhibiting, management and care of his/her horse.
