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Research on USEF Members Will Help Sponsorship and Advertising Sales

by Sarah Lane | Jul 14, 2005, 3:50 AM

Lexington, KY – A recent study profiling the USEF membership (18 and over) provides data important for advertising sales for the Federation’s publications, and is a tremendous asset in USEF efforts to obtain more sponsorship and commercial participation for equestrian sport. These efforts help fund current USEF programs; create new programs; and fund the international teams. Sport sponsorship is a hugely competitive arena and the USEF now has its own proprietary data to assist in the sales effort.

“It’s been nearly eight years since the USEF fielded such a study and updating this information was long overdue. Having it is a significant boost to understanding who our members are and for providing a competitive edge in sales initiatives,” said Maria Partlow, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications. “Along with the recently released American Horse Council study on the U.S. equine industry, we can now provide potential sponsors and advertisers a portrait of both a healthy and growing domestic equine industry, particularly in the showing and recreational segments, as well as USEF membership base with very considerable buying power.”

She continued, “However, I would caution making generalities about all of horse sports based on the USEF research figures because the universe polled was specifically USEF members from our database. This data would change substantially if other constituencies, such as members of specific breed or discipline affiliates, or subscribers to a specific equine publication, were asked these same questions. It would not be an accurate representation for the data to be used for commercial purposes outside of the USEF.”

Significant data from the USEF study includes:
• The USEF membership represents considerable buying power. They spend over $1.4 billion annually on equine-related purchases, not including horses or travel. That equates to approximately $16,000 per member.
• USEF Members buy from our sponsors:
o 76% are more likely to buy products and services that sponsor equestrian events.
o 85% are more likely to buy from companies that are sponsors and provide discounts to USEF members.
o 58% would take advantage of on-site trials on non-horse related products at equestrian events.
o 86% would take advantage of equine-related products at the same events.
• 22% own 2 or more homes.
• 63% have traded stocks, bonds or mutual funds in the last year.
• The average USEF member has been active in equestrian sport for 22 years. 97% of members ride, 48% consider themselves advanced, 44% intermediate, and 5% beginner.
• Travel: In 2004, the average member accounted for 30 hotel room nights, 23 domestic trips, 2 foreign trips, and rented a vehicle 4 times.
~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via email at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site – www.usef.org.

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