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More Than 1,000 Members Head to Virginia for the 2005 United States Pony Club Championships

by By Mary Robertson Pierson | Jul 21, 2005, 12:08 PM

Pony Club teams from across the nation will be traveling to Virginia to compete in the United States Pony Club (USPC) Championships, held August 3-7 in Lexington, VA, at the Virginia Horse Center. Pony Club members qualified to compete by attaining top scores at rallies in 43 different regions in the disciplines of dressage, eventing, mounted games, polocrosse (a combination of polo and lacrosse), show jumping, tetrathlon (riding, running, swimming and marksmanship) and quiz, an unmounted equine quiz bowl competition. Just like in the Olympic Games, Pony Club members ride as a team, which promotes cooperation and teamwork.Spectators are admitted free of charge at all events. An excellent trade fair is held on the grounds.

The United States Pony Clubs, Inc., was founded in 1954 as a non-profit national youth organization to teach riding and horsemanship through a formal educational program. Many of the nation’s top equestrians, including numerous Olympians, have Pony Club roots. Members range in age from as young as four through age 21 and ride all breeds and sizes of horses and ponies. Activities are English-riding based.
