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Long Island Horse Show Series for Riders with Disabilities Featured at the 36th Annual Hampton Classic Horse Show

by Classic Communications | Sep 6, 2011, 7:30 AM

Bridgehampton, NY — The riders in the Long Island Horse Show Series for Riders with Disabilities (LIHSSRD) had a special treat this year. Due to a change in the schedule they were featured on the same day as the $250,000 FTI Grand Prix and FEI World Cup Qualifier at the 36th Annual Hampton Classic Horse Show in Bridgehampton, NY, on Sunday.

The Series normally takes place on the Monday of the Horse Show, but was changed to the final day due to Hurricane Irene. Tina Rocco, Managing Director of the LIHSSRD, was thankful that the Series was still able to take place.

"We are so grateful that the management at the Hampton Classic Horse Show was able to keep us on the schedule. The riders were really excited to be here on Grand Prix Day,” said Rocco. “It’s so special for them because and they were able to compete alongside the grand prix riders and the crowds were here to cheer for them.”

“The Long Island Riders with Disabilities Series is such a worthwhile program,” said Hampton Classic Executive Director Shanette Barth Cohen. “It has become a fixture on the calendar at the Hampton Classic and for the Long Island Horse Show community. We could not imagine holding the horse show without them this year.”

Rachel McKelvey especially liked the change in the schedule because she was able to watch the Grand Prix. “It was great!”

McKelvey rides at CTREE at the Wölffer Estate Stables in Long Island and was beaming as she was named Champion of the LIHSSRD Walk with Aides Division.

“I was a little nervous coming into it, but my horse Kirolak made it easy,” said the eight-year-old rider. “I want to qualify next year so that I can come back here and win again.”

The Reserve Champion in the LIHSSRD Walk with Aides Division was Kevin Allenburg. Allenburg is also eight-years-old and this is his fourth time riding at the Hampton Classic.

“I started out riding for therapy, but I was so good I started to compete,” said Allenburg. “I like winning, but I really love riding and the horses.”

Allenburg also wants to return in 2012. This is his fourth time receiving a Championship or Reserve title and he wants to keep going.

The show series was founded by Horseability and celebrated its 6th anniversary at the Hampton Classic Horse Show. The program was created to provide riders with disabilities the same competitive experience that other equestrians enjoy. Riders are judged on Equitation, Demonstration and Knowledge of riding skills. The LIHSSRD competition at the Hampton Classic is the culmination of the organization's eight-show series that started in the fall of 2010 and continued through the spring and summer of 2011.

For more information and a complete set of results of the Hampton Classic Horse Show, please visit the Hampton Classic website at www.hamptonclassic.com or call (631) 537-3177. Hampton Classic Horse Show, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) charitable corporation.