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New KDA Requirements for Animals Exhibiting at KSF

by By Reeves Kirtner | Aug 17, 2005, 2:09 AM

The Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA) has put into effect new requirements for all animals exhibiting at the Kentucky State Fair. Please check www.kyagri.com or call (502) 564-3956 prior to movement for any current movement restrictions.

  • Please check in at the Stall Office trailer, located by Barn O, upon arrival.

  • Check in with KDA Animal Health Staff before proceeding to the stall areas.

  • All CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests need to be available on the vehicle transporting the horse(s).

  • KDA Animal Health Staff will check all CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests.

  • KDA Animal Health Staff will stamp and approve all CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests.

  • Owner/Trainer will sign a validation statement that all horses being brought onto the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center grounds are represented on the CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests.

  • KDA Animal Health Staff will give the owner/trainer a KDA Stall Tie for each horse entered. Van/trainer can then go to the stabling areas.

  • KDA Stall Ties MUST be attached to each stall in which a horse is stabled.

  • KDA Staff will regularly visit barn areas to see that all the horses have been properly checked in.

  • The Horse Show Office must have a copy of CVI (Health Papers) and Coggins tests with the KDA stamp before any back number or changes can be made.

In-state animals

  • CVI (Health Papers) required – good for 150 days – negative EIA (equine infectious anemia) test within the last 12 months. KDA requests EIA test chart to be attached to CVI (Health Papers).

  • Persons coming in on a 30 day health paper from another state on a Kentucky farm for the show/event circuit will be required to have a Kentucky CVI (Health Papers) good for 150 days for the remainder of the Kentucky show/even season.

Out-of-State Animals

  • CVI (Health Papers) required – good for at least 30 days – negative EIA laboratory certificate must be attached to the CVI.

If the driver of the vehicle does not have the health papers for the horses on his vehicle, he could possibly be issued a citation, but will be allowed to proceed to the stalls for unloading. However, the said horses cannot leave the stalls until the correct papers are received and checked by the KDA representative, or the horses may be inspected and issued health papers by the veterinarian on the grounds. ~~~