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Sunshine in Mexico. Changes in Eventing

by Joanie Morris | Oct 14, 2011, 7:00 PM

The first half of this day involved my computer, two cappuccinos and the hotel office.

"Just be sure we kick some ass."

Unfortunately Jon Holling's Eventing horse Downtown Harrison was withdrawn for veterinary reasons in Ocala this morning. But those were his words when I texted him my condolences. He's a friend and a class act, so we're all sad for him.

Luckily we have Lynn Symansky to step into his shoes. She's a star. Interestingly she will be making her second Pan Am appearance, in 2003 (when she was 20) she rode to 10th place on her jumping machine No It Tissant. She rode as an individual when the eventing was held at Fair Hill. She will ride her 8yo Thoroughbred Donner in 2011.

So replacing riders once the Games starts is a very complicated process because there is a lot of paperwork involved. From accommodations, flights, accreditation to owners, grooms, uniforms and equipment - there is a lot to do before Donner arrives tomorrow and Lynn and the rest of the riders arrive on Sunday.

They will go on the same route as the dressage riders, going through Team Processing in Houston on their way to Guadalajara.

We were blinded when we walked outside due to the fact that the sun was shining. But my wish to wear sunglasses was granted and off we went with our awesome driver Memo.

We went to the Athletes' Village around lunchtime to set up the eventers apartment.

The Village Apparently has a Dog Now

It took us awhile to move out two beds and some chairs and rearrange everything - it shouldn't have been as difficult as it was and I am not sure why we struggled. But we did it. It is a nice apartment, three bedrooms and three bathrooms. The village is cool. A real buzz now that the athletes are all there. Field Hockey arrived while we were there and the enthusiasm is infectious.

We then took a trip to Costco and Best Buy to buy printer cartridges and some extra blankets for the village. Then we went to the stables, I met the venue manager Alex who is really nice and was incredibly helpful. He gave me a tour of the front of house and it seems like they are ready except for some mysteriously missing tables and chairs.

I checked in with the grooms and the horses. Everything and everyone seemed copacetic and happy.

Weltino's Magic Mugs for the Camera

Jenny Van Wieren-Page (our dressage team leader) seems to be struggling with which back pack belongs to her, not only did she Shanghai the wrong one at one point, she also lost her phone. She came back into the tack room where we were all sitting, I called her phone and she had put it in my bag at some point - again thinking that is was hers... 

The President flew in today, accompanied by two fighter jets - they practically buzzed the venue. 

Opening Ceremonies tonight – we are watching on the big screen here at the hotel.

Then there was this at the Village...

The jog is at 9 am tomorrow. Our horses are scheduled around 10. The eventing horses and grooms arrive in the afternoon. It will be a busy day but we are ready to get going. 

Take care in the meantime, more soon,
