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Horses Have Landed!

by Joanie Morris | Oct 11, 2011, 9:33 PM

Things are getting going now. The day started with a trip to the USOC communications headquarters at the Main Press Center - it was great to see everyone and make some plans for the next three weeks. To many of the sport people, what we do is very foreign so I did a lot of explaining about how these horses are going to get to Mexico. The USOC staff is great, I met them all in Colorado Springs a few weeks ago - it is a great reminder that we are part of something so much greater than our sport. We live very much within our own world, but these athletes face a lot of the same triumphs and struggles that athletes in all sports contend with. The Olympic movement is alive and well and the USOC is a great resource for all of the sports.

There is more equestrian media accredited than from any other sport - impressive considering we are so small. They seem to have a good system to get everyone to the venues so it appears that the media will be well looked after.

There is a real buzz downtown, where the Pan Am feeling is very evident. I saw a swimmer in full swimming gear (including cap and goggles) crossing the street - apparently he didn't feel like changing his clothes.

We then converged at the airport to greet the dressage horses, when we arrived we got word that they were just leaving Dallas (their refueling point). We greeted farrier Steve Teichman, who arrived with the Volleyball team – luckily he’s tall so he fit right it. It took some finding but Jim Wolf, Diego Ulibarri – a Mexican vet who has travelled with our jumping teams in the past and is looking after the Ecuadorian horses at these Games, and I marched around the airport confidently until we found the right place. Luckily we didn’t have to rely on my junior year Spanish. We relied on Diego instead.

They Landed!

We sat in the lounge at the private 
airport hangar for a while, Mike from Tex Sutton greeted us and the ramp is here – so after organizing and re-organizing a few details… we were ready when they arrived. They got in before the impending hurricane (name: Jova) which is heading right for Puerto Vallarta – it is category three, but reports from our USOC friends out there is that they are ready. Sailing’s venue is out there. It’s about three hours southwest – so it sounds like we are going to get wet – but not the brunt of the storm this far inland.

The dressage horses landed without incident and all traveled well. A great friend of mine, Ryan, from Lexington came in with them so it’s always nice to see a familiar face in a faraway place. He works for Tex Sutton and there's not anyone better to travel with horses. Tim Dutta coordinated the effort so it was a huge team event and everyone was still smiling at the end.

Ryan and Big Tyme

The horses all traveled great most importantly. Paragon, being the tallest, had the first seat on the plane and he was happy to see everyone once they landed.

Paragon in Seat One                               Magic On the Plane

We headed off to the venue following the trucks, minus Julie Mitchell and Diego who went to clear the vet trunks... Note to selves, a Mexican vet in a Spanish speaking country is a godsend when you have horses.

We got to the venue at a high rate of speed but unscathed. The horses settled in well, we schlepped copious amounts of equipment into the stables, put some stuff away but not everything. We don’t want Jova to come take it with his high winds tonight.

Jenny and Grandioso in the Background and all of the Stuff that Comes with us!

Just got back to hotel. More tomorrow.