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USA Today Names U.S. Show Jumping Rider Jeffery Welles Athlete of the Week!

by Sarah Lane | Sep 21, 2005, 10:35 AM

Lexington, KY – A flawless double clear ride in Barcelona, Spain was one of the deciding factors in determining which team would go home as 2005 Samsung Super League Champions. As it happens, the U.S. Show Jumping Team was destined to take home that title—a title that more than a dozen U.S. riders worked for all summer long, and a title that came down to one last Nations Cup competition at CSIO Barcelona.

As for the double-clear round that helped clinch the overall season win, we have Samsung Super League newcomer Jeffery Welles to thank. Make that “USATODAY.com’s U.S. Olympic Athlete of the Week,” Jeffery Welles. The well-deserved title was awarded this week by the editors and staff of USATODAY.com. Welles, a Ridgefield, CT resident, rode “Armani” in Barcelona, a 10-year-old Selle Francais-Dutch Warmblood gelding, owned by Bill Kimmel, Sandy Yeager, Kimmel-Yeager Equine, LLC, and Triton Ventures.

To see USATODAY.com’s write-up by Beau Dure, log on to: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/olympics/2005-09-20-aow-welles_x.htm
~~~For more information, please contact Sarah Lane, Public Relations Manager at (859) 225-6974 or via e-mail at [email protected]. USEF press releases are available on our web site – www.usef.org.

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