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World Championship With Jessie!

by Jessica Moctezuma | Aug 24, 2009, 4:41 PM

August 22, 2009
Saturday was such an eventful day! We allowed the horse's to rest in the stalls on Friday to become accustomed to the climate and to calm their nerves down from the 12 hour drive. So after their relaxing day of rest, we got to work them. All 9 horses were perfect and we worked them to the best of their abilities. The funny part about Saturday though came after we worked the horses. Customers of ours and my family went to a café on the show grounds to enjoy lunch. And well... let's just say it took an extremely long time to get our food, about an hour and a half. Normally, we all would have flipped out because that's totally unnecessary to wait that long. But the waiter was very nice so we got a good laugh out of it. The best part was that all 7 of us got a free meal! So it was well worth the wait.

Later on that night it was around 7pm, when Theresa and Rayann got tickets to go see Keith Urban live. With a little persuasion, I decided I would come too! I don't listen to a lot of country but I figured why not, this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity! To say the least, the concert was AWESOME!!! Pat Greens, Urban's opening performer, was absolutely hilarious. Overall, I had a great time at the concert! The concert got out around midnight and by the time we got back to the hotel it was about 1:30! We all tried to get as much sleep as possible!

August 23, 2009
Sunday was the first day of the show! The whole barn was excited to see the weanlings in hand, and they did not disappoint us!There were around 30 babies if I am correct, and they all put on a great show. Since we needed to get in the ring we had to wait after the show was over to work our horses, and like the day before they all were rockstars! Finally, after finishing up around 1 we got back to the hotel around 2. Once again it was another night in which we wouldn't be getting our recommended number of hours of sleep!

August 24, 2009
6:30 am I was awoken by the alarm. Rayann and I had to drag ourselves out of bed! Today I showed my horse, Top Beat, in Adult Show Pleasure for the first time at Louisville! I did as much as I could to keep myself from getting to nervous before my class (cleaning my tack, shining my shoes, and fixing my makeup 500 times). "Elvis" was AMAZING!!! The crowd could tell we had a blast! We got 5th out of 20 which was great! I was just so happy because Elvis and I have come a long way from last year, and we enjoyed each other!!! I especially liked my class because my mom was thrilled with my ride! Tonight our customer, Dr. Meanor, shows her mare, Steel in Love, in the Three Gaited class. The entire barn is excited!