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The Power of Pony Finals

by Brian Sosby | Aug 7, 2009, 10:35 AM

Imagine the scenario. Sitting under a shaded tent facing a perfectly manicured and maintained hunter ring. Free food abounds. Dozen upon dozen of pony riders are mounted upon the most gorgeous ponies you have ever seen in your life. You get to kick back, relax and take in this awesome environment, free of stress or cares. Just another day in the life of this very lucky journalist and editor.

Yes…the 2009 USEF Pony Finals is under way at the Kentucky Horse Park, and for the first time in several years, I've been able to take part and even step up and serve as our official press release person. In years past, I've either been abroad covering the Olympics in China or Pan American Games in Brazil or who knows what else. When you really think about it, I can't really call it “work.”

I mean, yes, I am “on the clock.” Yes, I have a job to do. Yes, I have to keep my eyes on the ponies and scores and interview winners post competition. Yes, I have to head to the office and write a press release, making sense out of pages of scores and quotes and personal notes. Yes, I have to photo edit and do computer stuff to send out the releases and update the webpage. I suppose to some it would seem like a lot to do…and I guess it would be to someone who doesn't appreciate the beauty and talent of these small equine gems.

But, to me, it's not a job…it's a joy. How lucky can you get to hang out all day in the Walnut Arena and sip coffee, mingle with media, watch incredible heart and spirit at work, and get a paycheck at the end of the week?! Trust me…it is NOT lost on me.

Enough about that…let's talk “pony”…one of my favorite languages.

The USEF Pony Finals is easily the pinnacle event for any pony rider. Having spoken with so many young equestrians this week thus far, it is blatantly clear to me. If you are a pony rider, coming to the Kentucky Horse Park for the Pony Finals is akin to making the great personal pilgrimage to Mecca. And I knew it was so when I had the chance to speak to this year's star of the green hunter world – Maddy Darst – and her mom, Mindy, who happens to be one of the country's top trainers.

After winning not only two of the green hunter divisions, but the overall grand green hunter championship, I got to sit down with Mindy for 10 minutes during a quick break in her non-stop flurry of phone messages, text messages and a parade of well-wishers and even young autograph seekers. Once we got settled, she began to tell me about how excited and proud she was of her young daughter who seems to be following in her mom's footsteps.

“Wow, the apple sure hasn't fallen far from the tree!” I said to Mindy, laughing. I was just happy to have the chance to ask her some questions and get the real behind-the-scenes story of the pony and how her daughter has worked to become one of the country's top young hunters.

Mindy told me the story of how the pony – Brownland's Mr. Mac – came into Maddy's life. How she was asked to personally train the pony and campaign him around the country at some of the best-known horse shows. For a minute, I had to admit I would have been jealous if I was a 12-year-old with a penchant for ponies. I can only imagine what it would be like for someone to contact me personally and ask ME to train their pony. I can't even wrap my head around such a proposition, let alone imagine winning a national championship.

When you first look at the Pony Finals, to the uninitiated, it looks like a bunch of suited up youngsters cantering around on their pretty ponies having a field day. Think again.

These kids are tough as nails. They are poised and polished and hardcore. Even the tiniest of them has been put through the ropes and knows exactly what the word “competition” and “dedication” means. Many of them eat, breathe and sleep “pony.” You only have to meet young Maddy Darst or one of her fellow competitors to be forced to look at yourself and think, “What was I doing when I was that age?” And speaking to Mindy really made me think about it.

Many of us were sitting in the saddle…just like these kids are today. But, honestly, I can't remember ever being so dedicated and focused as so many of these young stars-on-the-rise. These kids today are really amazing! They have the focus of a laser, and seemingly unyielding dedication. They are so enveloped in their world of ponies that it would take an atom bomb to go off for them to be distracted. It's absolutely incredible…and I have to say, it kicks the butt out of anything I ever thought I did when I was a young rider. I am compelled to take my helmet off to them. I have to admit I never won a championship class – not one. To be completely honest – not even close! It really has made me revisit old days and think about just how much effort and sweat and passion these young pony hunters and jumpers have put in. It also has made me admit that I squandered much of a great opportunity I had as a kid, and how a part of me wishes I could turn back time and have just one more chance to “do it right.”

But, that's not going to happen. However, I can live vicariously through the amazing talent that is riding right before my lucky eyes. I may not get to go back and relive old days, but I can relish in the fact that I am lucky enough to have a front-row center seat for our country's brightest pony talent…and in my own backyard, so to speak.

So…do I feel like I am working this week while being treated to the 2009 USEF Pony Finals?


Honestly, I should be paying someone to have such fun times and thoughtful and reflective memories flood my mind.

Here's to our champions thus crowned and to those yet to come.

If you have some memories of your pony experiences or reflections of your time riding as a young rider, you can log in and leave your comments. I'd love to hear them.